Archive for Hymns

Psalm 36

Psalm 36:5-9 is an exuberant picture of the
goodness and greatness of Almighty God,
here captured in vv.2-3 of this hymn.
That picture is framed with
the smallness and sinfulness of the human heart (v.1) and
our response of simple faith in such a wonderful God (v.4).

Printed Music

Without You, O God, we are selfish and vain,
Consumed with our glory, our comfort, our gain.
Deceived by this world and the sin we ignore,
We’re smiling and polished but wrong to the core.

But Father, Your truth and Your unfailing love
Engulf all the vastness of heaven above.
Your holiness floods all the fathomless deep
And all the creation You nurture and keep.

Lord, You are the fountain, the source and the sea
Of life and its glories, of all that will be,
The ocean of peace, of all justice and right,
The Good of all goodness, the Light of all light.

We turn from the darkness and look up to You,
So thirsty for all that is lovely and true.
We ask Your forgiveness, Your rightness restored,
Our Loving Creator, our Father, our Lord!

by Ken Bible, © 2018

By Your Breath

This hymn reminds us of
 the Bible’s wonderful truth:
by the breath of His mouth God spoke creation into being;
by the breath of His mouth He fills us with His Spirit; and
by the breath of His mouth He inspired all Scripture.
What a beautiful picture of
God’s personal, powerful love!

Printed Music

By Your breath, all creation;
You the Source, You alone;
Sovereign love simply speaking.
All that is is all Your own.
Then to us pure self-giving.
Into dust O what wealth!
Into earth, dirt and ashes,
Glorious God, You breathe Yourself!

By Your breath, Christ incarnate,
God and flesh fully one.
Glimpse in Him new creation,
Heaven’s promise now begun.
Christ in us – what a wonder!
Perfect peace, holy health,
Life complete, boundless being –
Into us You breathe Yourself!

By Your breath, holy scripture,
Spirit-born, Spirit-breathed,
Living Word, perfect wisdom
In Your loving heart conceived.
Father, Son, Holy Spirit,
Teach, correct, shape, renew.                  
Plant Your seed, ever growing,
Ever fruitful unto You.

by Ken Bible, © 2020

Thank You for the Beauty of This Day

Here is a morning hymn that expresses
the beauty,
the glow,
the quiet joy of
walking with Your God and Father.

Printed Music

Thank You for the beauty of this day,
Each little gift You’ve given.
Thank You for Your calls to work and play,
The whispers of Your wisdom.
Thank You for the colors of Your love,
The rainbow of Your goodness.
Thank You for the sweetness of Your face,
Your presence in and through us.

Trusting You,
Finding rest in You –
Father, keep it true today.

Thank You for the hope in every day,
The peace of walking with You.
Thank You for Your call to simply pray,
The joy of living in You.
Father, how unchanging is Your love
In every gift You’ve given,
Showing in the sweetness of Your face
Our sure and simple heaven. Amen.

by Ken Bible, © 2000

Psalm 13

In our most desperate times,
he question that often boils to the surface is,
“How long, O Lord?”.
This Psalm-hymn helps us express that question
with a faith firmly rooted in
our sovereign, loving God.

Printed Music

How long, my Lord, how long?
I need You, God unseen!
I cry, I pray but feel ignored,
Unheard, unloved, unclean.

Deep sorrow floods my heart.
The darkness closes in,
With evil gathering all around
And weakness all within.

But here I stand in Christ,
Your pure and pleasing Son.
I claim His faith and speak His prayer:
“Your will, not mine, be done!”

I trust Your love, my God,
Whatever time may bring.
I hold to what can never change
And rest, rejoice, and sing!

by Ken Bible, © 2018

Christ in Psalm 67

In the human Jesus Christ
we see our Father in all His
holy magnificence!
Know Him!
Trust Him!
Praise Him!

Printed Music

Unfathomed God, complete in Christ,
You sing and dance Your love in Christ.
The riches of Your boundless life
All flow to us in Jesus Christ.
In all that history surveys,
In all creation’s vast displays
We glimpse Your wise and tender ways.
They shine complete in Jesus Christ.

O God, let all the peoples praise
And earth and heaven join to raise
The Name reality obeys:
Your Son, our Brother, Jesus Christ.
O Truth and Grace, O Joy and Light,
O Wisdom, Wealth, and Sovereign Might,
Pure Love in all its depth and height –
All praise to You in Jesus Christ!

by Ken Bible, © 2019

Father, We Come

glorify Yourself through this need.

Printed Music

Father, we come at Your love’s invitation,
Drawn by the weight of all our weakness and need,
Lifting our eyes with a child’s desperation,
Mighty God, gracious God, so pure, so complete!

Often we cry from today’s situation.
Fear is our master, and we beg for relief.
Now, Lord, we ask, and with no reservation:
Glorify, glorify Yourself thro’ this need.

Here in the silence of love’s adoration,
Drawn by the wonder of Your life all within,
Lifting Your name with a child’s jubilation,
Trusting You, trusting You, our prayer now begins.

by Ken Bible, © 2008

Psalm 126

As we sing of God’s faithful deliverance in the past,
we gain new strength for the present.
Set to a familiar tune.
Psalm 126 is part of the Psalms of Ascents series on Psalms 120 – 134.
To download a pdf of the entire “Psalms of Ascents” series,
complete with companion devotional readings,
click here.

Printed Music

O Father, we remember You.
What mercies without end!
All history sings Your faithful love,
Redeemer, Savior, Friend!

So now as darkness seems to fall,
We sing of victories won,
For passing shadows simply prove
The presence of the Sun.

With need as constant as Your grace,
We come to You again.
Unchanging God, our childlike faith
Awaits Your how and when.

Give now or when the harvest comes,
We trust Your loving choice.
With longing hearts we work and watch
And always, Lord, rejoice!

by Ken Bible, © 2019

Psalm 125

We are surrounded by God’s everlasting love,
gripped by His unfailing love, and
empowered by His almighty presence.
God is with us!
This hymn is part of the Psalms of Ascents series on Psalms 120 – 134.
To download a pdf of the entire “Psalms of Ascents” series,
complete with companion devotional readings,
click here.

Printed Music

Look beyond the temporary.
Rise above your fear and pain.
Breathe the everlasting Kingdom.
Walk in God’s eternal reign.
Rest in God’s eternal reign.

Lift your eyes of faith and see Him
Here, as evil threatens harm.
All His power and love surround you.
Feel His everlasting arms.
Trust His everlasting arms.

Darkness dies when comes the morning.
Sin and death cannot endure.
He is light forever shining.
Every step in Him is sure.
Life in Him is safe and sure.

God is good. O what a Father!
Trusting Him is full release.
He is here among His people,
Breathing life and joy and peace,
Life and joy and endless peace.

by Ken Bible, © 2019

Psalm 124

Here is a hymn of confident trust in
the Almighty God who is
always for us.
The tune is familiar.
Psalm 124 is part of the Psalms of Ascents series on Psalms 120 – 134.
To download a pdf of the entire “Psalms of Ascents” series,
complete with companion devotional readings,
click here.

Printed Music

Sovereign God is for us.
He alone can save us.
Death, with all its brutal strength,
Would swallow us alive.
Waves of sin would swamp us,
Evil overwhelm us,
Flinging us down where
Fear and sorrow thrive.

Sovereign God is for us.
Who can stand against us?
All creation poured from Him
Empowered by His word.
Emptiness and darkness
Vanish in His glory.
Almighty love is
Felt and seen and heard!

Sovereign God, our Savior,
Shepherd, Friend, and Father,
Mighty Warrior, Sun and Shield,
The fire of every star,
Worship, thanks, and honor
Rise from us, Your people,
Safe here in You, at
Peace in all You are.

by Ken Bible, © 2019

Psalm 123

This hymn is a simple, passionate prayer for those
looking to God and
waiting on Him.
It is part of the Psalms of Ascents series on Psalms 120 – 134.
To download a pdf of the entire “Psalms of Ascents” series,
complete with companion devotional readings,
click here.

Printed Music

We look to You,
Almighty, holy God.
All helpless, bound in deep and utter need,
We wait on You.

We look to You,
O pure and perfect Light.
We hunger for Your word. O Father, speak!
We wait on You.

We look to You
And hunger for Your will.
Our heart’s desire is only to obey.
We wait on You.

by Ken Bible, © 2019