Archive for Devotional with Hymn

I Come Seeking You

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.
(Psalm 119:105, NIV)

It’s easy to read the Bible merely out of habit, without any thought of why we’re reading or what we’re looking for.

God has prompted me to pray briefly before reading, in order to center my thoughts, my search, and my need on Him.

As I read, I look to Him for understanding. I need Him to meet me and speak to me.

More than specific information, I need to gain His mind, His perspective on my life. I need to know Him.

Jesus, as I read,
I come seeking You.

All-seeing God,
You see our reality more
broadly, and
truly than we.
Show us the truth by
Your Spirit and
Your Word.
Give us listening ears and
seeing hearts.

Hymn: We Come Seeking You

Embracing Our Ignorance

As the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are My ways higher than your ways
And My thoughts than your thoughts.
(Isaiah 55:9, NASB)

I treasure God’s Word and have spent much of my life reading and studying it. Thus I have strong opinions on some theological issues.

At one point I had just finished studying an important section of scripture and came away with the conviction, more powerful than ever, that those who disagreed with me on the interpretation of that scripture were wrong, and dangerously wrong. I prayed and asked God what He wanted me to do about their “serious error”. He told me, “Do what I trained you to do: write a clear and practical hymn based on that passage.” I did, and when finished, I felt good about the hymn and the accuracy of its message.

But as I looked at the completed hymn, I realized that it was just as acceptable and meaningful to my “theological opponents” as it was to me.

Perhaps that was because hymns are best when they are heartfelt and life-centered.

And while believers often disagree about theology on a theoretical level, they rarely disagree about the way we all should live and long to live. For the most part, we are one in that living faith.

I’ve often experienced a strange silence from God about theological positions I consider erroneous. I’ve sensed that somehow, He was more tolerant than I. I kept expecting Him to send me out against the misguided with my sword drawn. He never has.

God gradually helped me realize that He hadn’t called me to straighten out all that is false in the world and in His Church. He has called me to lift up Jesus Christ so that all may find the truth in Him.

Let’s face it. Ignorance is something we all have in common. We are small, short-lived, often self-centered creatures. We are tiny specks in a sea of time, space, and spiritual reality. Our ignorance, at least in this life, is inherent and inescapable. If God couldn’t put up with our ignorance, He would have nothing to do with us.

I pray that God keeps me conscious of my own ignorance and patient with everyone else’s. At the same time, I want my life to boldly, unfailingly proclaim the beautiful, living truth that is in Jesus Christ alone.

we try to bind You with the ropes of our own
ignorance and
But You are beyond all
our limitations,
our control,
our understanding, and
our imagination.
You are the I AM.

Hymn: I Have the Truth


From Him and through Him and to Him are all things.
To Him be the glory forever. (Romans 11:36, NASB)

Humility is seeing God.
Humility is worshiping Him.
Humility is loving Him with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength.

Humility is loving others fully and joyfully.

Humility is truth.
It is seeing the world and ourselves as we really are.

Humility is sweet freedom from life’s
most constant and most crushing burden:
the burden of self-concern.
Humility is the freedom to release selfish anxiety and
embrace Christ for all He is.

Father, humility is knowing You.
It is one of the gifts of knowing You are with me.
Thank You, my Lord!

Don’t despise your own
weakness and smallness.
They glorify God.
He uses them to display
His power and greatness.

Hymn: Meekness


Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. (Philippians 2:3, NIV)

Pride focuses thought, energy, and attention on me –
a poor,
helpless creature –
rather than on our
eternal Father.

Pride steals glory and praise from God.
It distracts those He would draw to himself.

Pride is a lie.
It cloaks me in
darkness and
rather than in
love, and

Pride focuses inward rather than
upward and
It makes my world smaller.

Pride perverts,
blinds, and

Merciful Jesus, save me from the foolishness of pride.

Father, since You are who You are and
I am who I am,
help me to starve my gluttonous ego,
not feed it.

Hymn: I Fix My Thoughts on You

The Truth

You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free (John 8:32, NIV)

Truth is reality.
Truth is the way things really are.
It flows from You,
the source of all being and
the center of reality.

Thus living in You, Lord God, is
living in the truth.
It is living in line with reality.
It is natural, harmonious living.
Living in You is
living in peace.

Anything not in line with You is unnatural,
out of harmony with reality.
It is a lie,
doomed to cause unhappiness and
ultimately to pass away.

Humility is truth.
Pride is a lie.

Your glory is truth.
Any other glory is a lie.
Oneness with You and with other believers is truth.
Self-exaltation is a lie.

Lord Jesus, purify my heart and mind and life.
Help me think and live in You.

All that you see is temporary and passing.
Your relationship with the living God will
always be the focus of reality for you.
Set your heart on Him alone.

Hymn: Beyond Imagination

What a Priceless Treasure!

I am the way, and the truth, and the life. (John 14:6, NASB)

Father, without You, my physical life is
brief and
riddled with trouble and sorrow.
But You are peace.
You are forever.

Without You, I cannot be who I ought to be or
do what I ought to do.
But You are good and
right and
gloriously perfect in
all You are and
all You do.

Without You, I live in the darkness.
But You are the Light.

Without You, I am
false in my thinking,
false in my speaking,
false in my doing.
But You are Truth,
beautiful and

In You, Father,
as I trust in You,
I live in the Truth,
I walk in the Light, and
I am fully pleasing to You.
I am pure and lovely in You.

Father, what a priceless treasure is our
living relationship!
moment by moment,
keep me in You!

We enjoy a well-being that
flows all around us and
goes before us,
a well-being that is
deeper and more permanent than
our temporary troublesome circumstances.
It is the peace and presence,
the power and unfailing goodness of
our Father Creator.

Hymn: Think, Speak, and Live the Truth

You Alone

My soul finds rest in God alone. (Psalm 62:1, NIV)

God, You are the only certainty in my life.
You are the only leadership I can trust.
You are my only lasting comfort.
You are my only forever companion.
You alone are my confidence.
You make me adequate.
You make me complete.
You are the only good and worthy thing about me.

You alone are truth, my Lord God.
You alone are reality.
You are, so I am.
You are as I will be.
That’s a miracle worth waiting for.

I wait for You, Lord.
I worship You and
love You and
reach for You alone.

Our trials teach us
the falseness and emptiness of
all that is not God.
Nothing is real,
nothing is good outside of Him.
(paraphrased from Francois Fenelon)

Hymn: Psalm 62

Lord, Give Me Light

[Jesus] said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness.” (John 8:12, NIV)

Lord, give me light from Your side of reality today.
Don’t leave me here in the darkness of
my own little plans and

Talk to me about what You see as important.
Lead me into what You want me to do.
Teach my heart to feel
what You feel
where You’re sitting.

Lord, give me light from Your side of reality today.
Don’t leave me here in the darkness of
my own little plans and preoccupations.

I don’t want this to be an empty day,
a self-centered day.
As I pause, Lord, draw me closer.
Teach me about You.
Use me as would please You, Lord.
I love You.

Father, help me not to limit reality to
my own puny understanding.
I am so small.
There is so much I can realize
only by trusting You.
Only by trusting You can I begin to
know You and
understand Your Word and
grasp all You can do.

Hymn: Lead Me On

A New Reality

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life.” (John 14:6, NIV)

I’m in a hotel room where the bathroom sink has mirrors on three sides. I lean in and look to the side and see the fronts and backs of my head. It’s a different perspective, and it stretches as far as I can see, on toward infinity. Fascinating! I feel like I’ve glimpsed a new reality.

But I step back and realize there is no depth. There is no new reality–only a small sink with mirrors.

Lord, don’t let me get caught up in life that way. Outside of You, life is a small sink with mirrors. No depth, no length, no mystery, no reality.

In You is all the depth, all the length, all the new perspectives.

In You are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge (Colossians 2:3).

Keep me, Lord, in You.

we cannot understand this world
without understanding You.
You are wisdom.
We want to know You.

Hymn: Know the Lord

As I Begin to Pray

as I walk through this false and foolish world,
reshape my false and foolish thoughts
by Your reality,
by the beautiful truth of all You are.

Help me see You and know You in Your transcendence.
Purify my desires by the holy breath of Your Spirit.
Keep me joyful in the unending flow of Your pure goodness.
Give me peace in the assurance of Your never-failing love.
Flood my being with the light of Your unspeakable greatness.

Give me a heart and mind that
are conscious of Your presence and
are fully responsive to You, my Father.

Make me like Your Son, Jesus Christ.

help me to think and live
in the reality of
who You are and
who I am.

Hymn: God My Father