Archive for Devotional with Hymn

from Prepare Yourself for Worship

When We Worship

Almighty, Sovereign God,
when I worship You from my heart, I recognize
You for who You are, and
myself for who I am.
You are all goodness and the only source of all goodness.
You alone are life,
wisdom, and
Without You, I am empty,
weakness and need.

When I worship You,
I embrace the truth.
I admit reality and
align myself with it.
I align myself with You, in all
trust, and

When I worship, I admit that
You are the Creator, and
I am your creature,
born of Your deep love,
made in Your image.
You are Father of all, and
I am Your little child.
You are the holy yet human Son,
God made flesh, and
I joyfully wonder at the mystery.
You became entirely like me, so that I might become
entirely like You!
You are the Holy Spirit,
the life of God,
the love of God, and
the power of God,
ever among us and within us.
You are filling us even now, enabling us to
live like Christ and
love like Christ.

Praise to You, eternal Father,
Christ the Son, and
Holy Spirit!
Praise to You for all You are!

Listen and sing:
Hymn: Worship Father, Son, and Spirit
Printed Music & Lyrics

I Long for the Father

from the book, ONE WITH OUR FATHER 

John 13:1, 3 

It was just before the Passover Festival. Jesus knew that the hour had come for him to leave this world and go to the Father. Having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them to the end. 

The evening meal was in progress, and the devil had already prompted Judas, the son of Simon Iscariot, to betray Jesus. Jesus knew that the Father had put all things under his power, and that he had come from God and was returning to God. (John 13:1-3, NIV) 

Father, as Jesus neared the end of His time here,
His deepest longing,
His burning desire was this:
to return to You.

His Spirit in me is breathing the same desire.
Father, I long to come home to You.

Father, You are the goal toward which
all history is moving.
I want my thoughts,
my desires, and
my daily living
to keep moving toward You as well.

Listen and sing:
Hymn: Longing for Home
Printed Music & Lyrics

Picture This

Picture this:

A poor widow generously gives her last two meager coins,
all that she has to live on.

A father is horribly mistreated by His wayward son.
But when the son finally comes home, penniless and half-starved,
the father runs to him and
joyfully smothers him with love and gifts and forgiveness.

The King of All Kings makes Himself a poor, powerless peasant.
He lives homeless and without a family
so that all the people can be His family.
He feeds and heals and teaches everyone who comes to Him.
He frees those tormented by demons and
raises the dead.

Finally, He gives Himself as the full and final sacrifice for all their sins.
To celebrate their deliverance, He makes Himself their feast:
His own body becomes the bread broken for them.
His own blood becomes the wine poured out for them.

All these are living portraits of
the glorious love of
our glorious God,
drawn by the life and death of His only Son,
Jesus Christ.

Listen and sing:
Hymn: Pictures of God’s Love
Printed Music & Lyrics

from Prepare Yourself for Worship

In Spirit and Truth

The woman said to Him…“Our fathers worshiped in this mountain, and you people say that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship.” 

Jesus said to her, “Woman, believe Me, an hour is coming when neither in this mountain nor in Jerusalem will you worship the Father…An hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for such people the Father seeks to be His worshipers. God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.” (John 4:20-24, NASB)

Father, You are Spirit.
The worship that pleases You is
my spirit to Yours.
Worshiping You does not depend on
ceremony or style, on
rituals or prescribed motions.
You want worship that is honest, sincere, and unhypocritical,
with no gap between my words and my actions.

You seek worship that rises from my heart and my life,
not just from my lips.
That is the worship I want to bring You, my Father.
I want my Sunday worship to simply rehearse the way I live
all week long.

Listen and sing:
Hymn: Holy Father, Only You
Printed Music & Lyrics

Holding Nothing Back

Philippians 2:1-18

Father, I want to live today out of the
the living wisdom of Your Son Jesus,
the constant presence of Your Holy Spirit, and
the loving compassion that flows freely from You.

Enabled by these resources,
help me pour myself completely into the welfare of Your people, especially
those who live around me,
those You have entrusted to my care.

As I serve them in Your name,
give me the mind and Spirit of Christ.
He willingly gave up
all His glory,
all His rights, and
all His advantages.
He emptied Himself,
taking upon Himself the status of a servant.
He clothed Himself in
our lowliness,
our helplessness,
our suffering.
His obedience went all the way to a brutal, humiliating death.
He held nothing back.

Father, as Christ obeyed, help me to obey
in faith,
without fear or hesitation.
Help me to make Your purpose
my only purpose.
Today help me pour myself out completely
as an offering to You,
for the welfare of Your dearly loved children.

Listen and sing:
Hymn: As You Love
Printed Music & Lyrics

All You Made Me to Be

Father, You are all-in-all,
all life,
all love,
all beauty,
all blessedness.
You are the boundless ocean of
a thousand magnificent blessings still
nameless and

As I trust You with the simplicity of a child,
I am in You, and
You, the Great All-in-all, are in me.

Because You are in me,
I am far more than this corrupted, physical creature.
You are life, and
I am truly, eternally alive.
You are love, and
I begin to love as You love.
You are wonderful, and
already Your wonders peek out through me.

But because You are the Gardener,
forever growing magnificent wonders,
who I am becoming is infinitely more wonderful than who I am.
For I am in Christ, and
I am growing in Christ.
And when He appears, I will be like Him,
because I will see Him just as He is. (1 John 3:2, NASB, adapted)

When I am perfectly like
Your perfectly pleasing Son,
I will be perfectly pleasing to You,
my Creator,
my Redeemer,
my loving Father.
You will rejoice that
I am all You made me to be.

Listen and sing:
Hymn: Now in Christ
Printed Music & Lyrics

from Prepare Yourself for Worship

Prepare for Lent

Father, this Lent,
show me the path that Jesus walked,
that I may walk in His steps.

I see His life of love.
I see His beautiful, unbroken relationship with You.
I see His fruitfulness,
His abounding joy and
His unbroken peace
in the midst of self-sacrifice, and
I want to follow.
Wherever He leads me, Lord,
I want to go.
Through repentance,
through temptation,
through self-denial,
I want to walk
with Him
in You, Father.

I will walk the road to the cross,
as long as He
goes before me and
walks with me,
as long as
He leads and
He enables.

This Lent, Father,
show me Jesus.
Make me one with Jesus.

Listen and sing:
Hymn: Hear His Call
Printed Music & Lyrics

Peace in You

Father, You have no need –
no weakness,
no uncertainty.
You are never caught short.
You are at peace in Your
fullness and

Peace can always, only be found in You.
Father, You want me to share in Your peace.
You want me to share in You.
Outside of You is
darkness, and
In You is
unshakable peace.
That’s the peace You want for me:
peace in You.

I long for the temporary peace that comes from
the removal of my current need.
I cry in desperation, “O Lord, take it away!”
But this need will simply be replaced by another.
Needs come and go.
My neediness remains.

But You are complete.
All that is good,
all that I will ever need,
is in Your very being.
As I trust You step by step,
I am complete in You.

Today and every day,
whatever my circumstance, Father,
You offer me the gift of a
grace-filled life
in Your peace,
the peace we find in Your human Son,
Jesus Christ.

Listen and sing:
Hymn: Peace in Christ
Printed Music & Lyrics

Ferocious Love

Transcendent Father, unseen God,
You longed for us to know You.
You let us touch You with our senses
in creation and
at Mt. Sinai,
through the tabernacle and
through Your prophets.
But all the while You promised to share Yourself fully through
a person who was to come,
a man filled with Your own Spirit.
This specially Anointed One, this Messiah, would
live among us and
rule over us.
His Kingdom would extend
through every nation and
through all time.
He would bring all the blessings You had ever promised.

As the centuries passed, Your promises of this Messiah became
increasingly detailed and vivid.
We longed for His coming.

But when He arrived, we didn’t recognize Him.
He was not what we expected.
You are Almighty God, and
Messiah was to be Your full revelation of Yourself.
We expected Him to be
a commanding leader,
a powerful warrior,
an unstoppable conqueror.
We thought He would be like a roaring lion that
no one would dare challenge.
We thought He would be fearfully holy and
bring fiery judgment to all the wicked.

But instead, He arrived as the weakest and lowliest of all human creatures –
a helpless infant born of
an unmarried peasant girl.
He wasn’t a king – not what we considered a king.
There wasn’t anything regal about Him.
He was a rural laborer with an accent to match.
He wasn’t a mighty warrior.
He was a gentle healer,
a teacher with little formal education.
He didn’t live in a palace.
He was a homeless wanderer.
His holiness wasn’t fearful or awe-inspiring.
He befriended sinners, whom respectable people avoided.
He socialized with them and received them warmly.
The only people He condemned were
the ones we considered the most religious.
He scolded them for their pride and hypocrisy.

This Messiah didn’t prowl and roar like a lion.
In the end, He died like a lamb,
silent, and

He gave us a living picture of You,
but You were not who we expected.
We expected to experience Your
all-conquering power.
Instead, we experienced Your
all-conquering love.

Listen and sing:
Hymn: All-conquering Love
Printed Music & Lyrics

from Prepare Yourself for Worship

Prepare for Ash Wednesday

Father, we worry and complain about so many things,
but we rarely give even a passing thought to
what is saddest and most destructive
in our entire world:
our sin and
our unrepentant hearts.

Today, Lord, make us conscious of our sin and
its terrible price.
We have turned our back on You, our Creator,
the only Source of all that is good.
We have dethroned You
from our lives and
from our race.
In Your place, we have enthroned our
short-lived selves.
The results have been predictable:
suffering, and

Father, we own our sin.
It is the one thing in this entire world that is
truly our own.
We face and accept our physical death
as the inevitable result of our sin.
We bow to You, face down,
excusing nothing,
claiming nothing,
clinging to nothing but Your mercy.
We confess and repent, Father.
Have mercy on us.
O God, have mercy!

Listen and sing:
Hymn: Ash Wednesday Hymn
Printed Music & Lyrics