Tag Archive for Psalm 126

Psalm 126

As we sing of God’s faithful deliverance in the past,
we gain new strength for the present.
Set to a familiar tune.
Psalm 126 is part of the Psalms of Ascents series on Psalms 120 – 134.
To download a pdf of the entire “Psalms of Ascents” series,
complete with companion devotional readings,
click here.

Printed Music

O Father, we remember You.
What mercies without end!
All history sings Your faithful love,
Redeemer, Savior, Friend!

So now as darkness seems to fall,
We sing of victories won,
For passing shadows simply prove
The presence of the Sun.

With need as constant as Your grace,
We come to You again.
Unchanging God, our childlike faith
Awaits Your how and when.

Give now or when the harvest comes,
We trust Your loving choice.
With longing hearts we work and watch
And always, Lord, rejoice!

by Ken Bible, © 2019 LNWhymns.com.

I Will Stay Faithful

Psalm 126

Father, because Your working is thorough,
it is often long-term.
Because it is long-term,
it often involves lots of waiting.
Because it involves lots of waiting,
it requires persistent faith.

Father, I trust You.
I will await
Your working in
Your time.
I will continue to be faithful in
what You have called me to do. 

Listen and sing:
Hymn: In Your Steps
Printed Music & Lyrics