Archive for Hymns

A Hymn for the Wilderness

Exodus; Deuteronomy 8:1-10; Psalm 105:37-45

Learn to trust God more
constantly and
completely with
these lessons from Exodus.
The tune is fun and familiar.

Printed Music

I can’t see where I’m going –
Just wilderness ahead.
This place is fierce and threatening –
O God, where have You led?
But Egypt is behind me
With all You’ve brought me through,
And now You go before me –
I trust and follow You.

Your all-engulfing presence
Is shade throughout the day.
Your fire ablaze above me
Lights all my darkened way. 
Fresh water in my desert
And bread each morning new –
O tender, faithful Shepherd,
I trust and follow You.

Through every daily challenge,
With labors still undone,
I follow in Your footsteps
And take them one by one.
Throughout our great adventure
I keep the Cloud in view,
As all the way to Canaan
I trust and follow You.

by Ken Bible, © 2020

Risen with Jesus Christ

John 15:5; Romans 6:3-8; 1 Corinthians 15:22; Galatians 2:20

This hymn is meaningful anytime
but is especially suitable for baptisms.
The tune is adapted from a spiritual.

Printed Music

Risen with Jesus Christ,
Breathing eternal life!
Knowing that my Lord is true,
I’ll do all He says to do.
I’m risen with Jesus Christ!

Jesus now lives in me—
Power and liberty!
Just a branch in Christ the Vine,
All His love and joy are mine,
For Jesus now lives in me!

Praise You, Lord Jesus Christ!
Thank You for boundless life!
You are great and good and true.
All I need is found in You.
I praise You, Lord Jesus Christ!

by Ken Bible, © 2012

May Our Loved Ones Come to Know You

Matthew 9:36; 18:12-14; Luke 15; 2 Peter 3:9

How we long for our loved ones to
know God in all His fullness!
This hymn of intercession helps us
express those longings
in prayer.

Printed Music

May our loved ones come to know You.
Face by face we lift this prayer.
Father, may Your Spirit grow You
In each heart now unaware.

Help them sense how much they need You.
You are where fulfillment starts.
All the searching that precedes You
Cannot feed their famished hearts.

Faithful love forever speaking,
Offering all that we pursue,
Savior, Shepherd ever seeking,
Lead our loved ones home to You.

by Ken Bible, © 2020

If I Could See

God’s wonderful promises
stir within us a
deep longing for our glorious future.
But don’t miss the marvelous now of
walking with Him moment by moment.

Printed Music

If I could see You always here,
Lord, I’d be a rock
Unmoved by fear,
But step by step I’ll follow
And look to You.

If I could reach and touch Your hand,
I’d smile at the pain
Your love has planned,
But step by step I’ll follow
And look to You.

I cannot see, but I can pray.
I cannot touch, but I can say
My Father is the Lord of all,
And He will do what’s best.

When pain is gone and faith is sight,
We’ll walk and we’ll talk
All bathed in light,
So step by step I’ll follow
And look to You.

by Ken Bible, © 2005

I Am Your Salvation

Salvation is not a
“something” Christ brings to us.
He Himself is our salvation.
His Spirit within is
our life,
our strength,
our holiness,
our joy.
This hymn is meaningful year-round,
but especially through the Lent and Easter seasons.

Printed Music

I am your salvation.
I am Christ your Lord,
Crucified and buried,
Now alive forevermore;
Crushed for your forgiveness,
Broken for your sin,
Risen for your endless joy
And mighty now within.

I am your salvation.
Rest in me today.
Don’t you know I’m with you
And I listen as you pray?
Fear and grief may gather.
Doubt will do its best.
Stand and simply trust in Me,
And I will do the rest.

Alpha and Omega,
Ever on the throne-
All you see will fade and die,
And I will reign alone.
I am your salvation.
I am your reward.
Boldly lose your life in Me
And prove that I am Lord.

by Ken Bible, © 2002

Epiphany Hymn

Matthew 2:1-11; 3:13-17; 17:1-8; Mark 1:9-11; 9:2-8;
Luke 3:21-22; 9:28-36; John 1:29-34

This hymn devotes a verse to
each of the major revelations that
anchor the season of Epiphany:
the coming of the magi;
the baptism of Jesus;
the transfiguration.
Two different musical settings are available:
the familiar REGENT SQUARE (“Angels, from the Realms of Glory”), and
a fresh tune, adapted from a traditional English melody (HELMSLEY 2).

Printed Music

God is light! The heavens open!
See the star announce the Son!
God transcendent lives among us.
See the distant nations come.
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
All our race in Him is one.

God is light! The heavens open!
See our Savior bear our sin.
Dying here in Jordan’s waters,
See His sacrifice begin.
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
All who come are cleansed in Him.

God is light! The heavens open!
Glimpse what eyes have never seen:
God the Son in all His splendor,
Flesh in heaven’s majesty.
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
See our glorious destiny!

by Ken Bible, © 2017

Full Assurance

Colossians 2:2; 1 Thessalonians 1:5; Hebrews 6:9-20; 10:19-25

Based on scripture, this hymn traces the
absolute confidence
God offers His children.
The melody is an adaptation of a familiar hymn tune.

Printed Music

With full assurance, Lord, we know
Your every word is true.
What peace to simply understand
That all of life is in Your hand!
What joy in trusting You!

This full assurance, Sovereign God,
Is sung by every star.
It shines through all reality,
A pledge of all that life will be,
Ensured by all You are.

Through life and death, Almighty God,
Our hope is strong and sure.
We hold to all that Christ has done,
To all our Great High Priest has won.
Our anchor is secure.

In full assurance, Lord, we come.
With boldness we draw near.
O Father, may our faith increase
And bathe our days in love and peace
Till Jesus Christ appear!

by Ken Bible, © 2020

All One in Christ

Matthew 12:46-50; Mark 3:31-35; Luke 8:19-21;
Ephesians 1:9-10; 2:1-22; Hebrews 2:11; Revelation 5:11-14

Since God is our Father,
Jesus Christ is our Brother, and
all believers are one in Him.
Celebrate this wonderful truth!
 The tune is familiar.

Printed Music

Dead in sin, so lost and hopeless,
We were slaves to flesh and fear.
You, O God, so rich in mercy,
Raised us up and brought us near.

One in Christ, our holy Brother,
One in Christ, Your human Son!
Earth and heaven breathe one Spirit.
Now in Christ we all are one.

One with You, O God my Father,
Every moment face-to-face!
You, Most High, beyond all knowing,
Are my joy and resting place.

Every family, every nation,
Every heart with love aflame
Join to share in You forever.
Earth and heaven sing one Name!

by Ken Bible, © 2020

For You I Pray God’s Peace

This benediction prays
God’s peace
for those around us.

Printed Music

For you I pray God’s peace-
That deep and constant rest
That knows that He is always working for our best.
Receive His peace.

For you I pray God’s joy-
The music of a faith
That finds delight in serving Him and sings His praise.
Receive His joy.

May His grace
And His love
And His Spirit be within you.

by Ken Bible, © 2002

You Are Lord

Psalm 46:1-3; 56:3; Philippians 2:9-11

Through troubled, uncertain times,
rest in our
sovereign God.
He turns all things to good!

Printed Music

Through bitter injustice
You are Lord.
With darkness all around us
You are Lord.

Every knee will bow,
Every tongue confess.
We are resting here
On Your faithfulness.
You are Lord.
You are Lord.

Through struggle and sorrow
You are Lord.
When pain and suffering threaten,
You are Lord.

When death looms before us,
You are Lord.
Though all the world may crumble,
You are Lord.

by Ken Bible, © 2001, 2020