Archive for Devotional with Hymn

Love Is Not Blind

“While the prodigal was a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him. 

“The son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son.’ 

“But the father said to his servants, ‘Quick! Bring the best robe and put it on him. Put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. Bring the fattened calf and kill it. Let’s have a feast and celebrate. For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.’” (Luke 15:20-24, NIV)

Love is not blind.
Love sees what no one else sees.
Others see sin and ugliness.
Love sees one unspeakably precious.
Love sees its treasure,
its child.

Your Father calls you to share His love,
to live the same love that
reached out and drew you in.
Your Father calls you to
share His heart.

Listen and sing:
Hymn: Our Father’s Burning Heart
Printed Music & Lyrics

He Is Our Shepherd, We Are His Sheep

from the devotional book, PICTURES OF GOD

Read Psalm 100

Considering a shepherd’s responsibilities, it’s no wonder God calls Himself our Shepherd. What a beautiful picture of Him! He constantly cares for our every need. He takes personal responsibility for every aspect of our safety and well-being. It’s humble and thankless work, but He does it eagerly, carefully, thoroughly. He is both strong and gentle, rugged and patient.

Kings and other leaders were to serve as good shepherds of God’s people. Shepherding was the standard against which God measured them.

Israel had a long tradition of shepherds. The father of the Jewish people, Abraham, had flocks, as did his son, Isaac. Isaac’s son, Jacob, worked as a shepherd from his earliest days. Jacob’s sons, the patriarchs of the tribes of Israel, were shepherds as well.

Moses spent forty years shepherding the flocks of his father-in-law, Jethro, through a vast wilderness. This was God’s preparation for him to lead his people, Israel, for forty years through the same wilderness.

God’s preparation for David, the greatest king of Israel, was shepherding as well. More on him to come.

When God’s only-begotten Son arrived among us after centuries of promises, who were the only ones who got a special invitation?

Shepherds living out in the fields…keeping watch over their flocks at night. (Luke 2:8, NIV)

There’s another major reason that God considers Himself our shepherd and calls His leaders to be good shepherds. We, God’s people, are so much like sheep. We are utterly dependent on Him for existence, for provision, for welfare and survival. We are constantly, deeply needy. We live our entire existence in the presence and care of the Good Shepherd. We are prone to wander away from our Shepherd’s protection. And when we do, we are easy prey. We are defenseless.

God is your shepherd. Stay close to Him.

Listen and sing:
Hymn: The Father’s Gifts
Printed Music & Lyrics


God waits.
Because He gave us the freedom to choose,
because He patiently interweaves
our human choices with
His eternal purposes,
because He perfectly selects the right time to act,
God waits.

We wait on God
because He waits,
because He is all-wise and
we are not,
because He is all-loving and
we are not,
because He is sovereign and
we are unspeakably small.

We wait on God,
assured that He always does what is
exactly right at
exactly the right time.

Loving Father, we wait on You.

Listen and sing:
Hymn: Thank You for Your Perfect Will
Printed Music & Lyrics

This Is the One We Follow

Look at Jesus hanging on the cross.
See Him as He truly was:
the blood,
the nakedness,
the pain wrenching His body.
See Him humbled,

This is your God.
This is His passionate love.
This is our Leader,
our Shepherd,
the One we imitate.
This is our goal,
our ambition,
our Way,
our Truth,
our Life.
This is the standard that guides
every day and
every decision.

This is the way we deny ourselves.
This is the cross we carry.
This is the One we follow.

Listen and sing:
Hymn: Christ Crucified
Printed Music & Lyrics

The Son’s Focus

from the book, ONE WITH OUR FATHER 

John 12:23-32

Jesus answered them, saying, “The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit. He who loves his life loses it, and he who hates his life in this world will keep it to life eternal. If anyone serves Me, he must follow Me; and where I am, there My servant will be also; if anyone serves Me, the Father will honor him. 

“Now My soul has become troubled; and what shall I say, ‘Father, save Me from this hour’? But for this purpose I came to this hour. Father, glorify Your name.

“Now judgment is upon this world; now the ruler of this world will be cast out. And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to Myself.” (John 12:23-28, 31-32, NASB)

Jesus knew His time had come. He was about to be deserted by His closest friends, mocked and humiliated by His enemies, tortured by soldiers for their amusement, condemned to death by His own people, engulfed in separation from His Father with whom He had enjoyed an eternity of intimate fellowship, and executed by the most brutal method known.

Facing all this, what thoughts filled His mind and heart?

  • He was eagerly anticipating His return to His Father (John 13:1, 3). That was the goal ahead, the true destination toward which He pressed. That was the subject of His conversation with Moses and Elijah at His transfiguration (Luke 9:30-31). That was, at least in part, “the joy set before Him” that made all His sacrifice worthwhile (Hebrews 12:2, NASB).
  • His focus, His concern, His deepest prayer were not His personal comfort, but that His Father would glorify Himself through all that was about to happen (John 12:23-28; 17:1-5).
  • Looking ahead to these events, He didn’t see His own defeat. He saw all the powers of evil judged, condemned, and driven out of this world forever. He saw Himself high and lifted up, and our entire race streaming to Him for salvation (John 12:31-32).

As He faced His hour of trial, He savored the joy of returning to His beloved Father. He longed for the Father to be glorified. He saw the fulfillment of the Father’s purposes.

Facing immense difficulties, His joy, His desire, His focus was His Father.

Listen and sing:
Hymn: Glorify Your Name
Printed Music & Lyrics

A Hearing Heart

The Lord appeared to Solomon in a dream at night; and God said, “Ask what you wish Me to give you.”

Solomon said…“Give Your servant an understanding heart.” (1 Kings 3:5-6, 9, NASB)

Solomon had succeeded his father, David, as king of a united Israel. David’s reign had been the golden age for the country, and now the young Solomon was stepping into his rather intimidating shoes.

God appeared to Solomon in a dream and asked him what he wanted from Him for this  huge new responsibility. Solomon was acutely aware of how unprepared he was for the task:

“I am but a little child; I do not know how to go out or come in. Your servant is in the midst of Your people which You have chosen, a great people who are too many to be numbered or counted. So give Your servant an understanding heart.” (1 Kings 3:7-9, NASB)

Solomon didn’t ask for wealth or success, health or long life. Literally, he asked for a “listening” heart, a heart that hears and obeys.

Father, that is what I want. I want a heart that hears You every time You speak, a heart that eagerly listens and follows wherever You lead. Truth is so little valued in our world. People shout whatever they want us to believe, usually to advance their own petty self-interests.

Father, You always speak the truth, in perfect wisdom and perfect love. When You speak, I want to hear every word. I want to listen and obey.

Listen and sing:
Hymn: Here I Am
Printed Music & Lyrics

Our Living Hope

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. (1 Peter 1:3, NASB)

Since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. For consider Him who has endured such hostility by sinners against Himself, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart. (Hebrews 12:1-3, NASB)

When you can’t believe that God could forgive you,
look to Jesus.
He is your assurance of complete forgiveness. (1 John 1:9)
He is the final, perfect sacrifice for all your sins. (John 1:29; Hebrews 9:11-14; 10:14)

When holy living seems impossible,
look to Jesus.
God has not abandoned you to your weakness.
Jesus Christ is your holiness. (Hebrews 4:14-16)
As you simply trust Him,
He is everything you need to lead a godly life. (2 Peter 1:3)

When the future seems uncertain,
look to Jesus.
He is your future.
He is your destiny.
God’s sure, unchangeable purpose is to
make you like Him. (Ephesians 1:3-5; 1 John 3:1-2)

Jesus Christ is the completion of
all the Father has ever wanted for you.
He is all the fulfillment of all God’s eternal promises. (2 Corinthians 1:20)
He is your living hope,
now and
forever. (1 Peter 1:3)

Listen and sing:
Hymn: The Glories of Christ
Printed Music & Lyrics

What Do You Wish?

The Lord appeared to Solomon in a dream at night; and God said, “Ask what you wish Me to give you.” (1 Kings 3:5, NASB)

Father, if you were to ask me this,
how would I respond?
What would I wish for?

Father, You are eternal.
You are all-wise and
You are all joy.
You are all truth.
You are harmony,
perfection, and

Father, I want to please You.
That is my wish.
I want to please You in my thinking and
please You in my doing.
I want to please You in my daily activity and
please You in the deepest desires of my heart.
I want to please You in my working and
please You in my waiting.
I want to please You in my praying and
please You in all my unguarded moments.

I want to please You
as Your Son pleased You.
Father, give me
His mind,
His heart,
His faith,
His peace in You.
That is what I ask.
I ask for the Holy Spirit of Your Son Jesus.

“If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him?” (Luke 11:13, NASB)

Listen and sing:
Hymn: O Father, Give Us Jesus Christ
Printed Music & Lyrics

A Taste of Heaven

My soul clings to you; your right hand upholds me. (Psalm 63:8, NIV)

If you want a taste of heaven in this world, cultivate a close, humble, loving communion with God. God will be the beauty and peace of heaven. Why wait till then to enjoy Him?

Keep bringing your thoughts back to Him in dependence and praise. If we knew our constant need for His help, we wouldn’t lose sight of Him for a second.

Make your heart a sanctuary where He is always worshiped. Guard your heart, your mind, and your mouth that you don’t do, say, or think anything displeasing to Him.

Remember, His help is always available. He never leaves us to our own strength. We just have to ask.

Listen and sing:
Hymn: My Mind Will Be Your Holy Place
Printed Music & Lyrics

by Brother Lawrence and Ken Bible

Following the Father

from the book, ONE WITH OUR FATHER 

John 8:12; Luke 4

“I am the Light of the world; he who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life.” (John 8:12, NASB)

Father, I say I want to follow You,
but how easily I am distracted by my own desires.
If I get my eyes off You,
I begin following my agenda,
not Yours.

Because Jesus maintained
His close and constant relationship with You,
He followed You into the harsh wilderness,
conquered temptation, and
was empowered by Your Spirit (Luke 4:1-14).

He obediently spoke the unpopular truth in His hometown (Luke 4:14-30).

He confronted a demon in Capernaum and banished him (Luke 4:31-35).

He spoke with Your authority and wielded Your power over evil (Luke 4:36-37).

He healed all the sick brought to Him (Luke 4:38-41).

Though His schedule was demanding, He rose early to pray (Luke 4:42).

He knew when to ignore popular pressure and move on (Luke 4:42-44).

Father, that’s what I need:
Your enabling for my weakness;
Your wisdom for my ignorance.
Father, give me the Spirit of Christ!

Listen and sing:
Hymn: Spirit, Come
Printed Music & Lyrics