Archive for Devotional with Hymn

Mysterious Wonders

There were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. 

But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.” (Luke 2:8-12, NIV)

Imagine the mysterious wonders of that first Christmas night.

A world-changing event, foretold for centuries, was actually happening, and only a handful of the commonest people knew it.

God Himself was becoming flesh and blood, arriving as the most helpless of creatures: a human infant.

This child had been conceived by an infinite spirit being and a young virgin, probably a teenage girl.

Imagine what the shepherds saw and heard and felt. In the blackness of a silent night in the open fields, suddenly a blazing light, a stunning message, and a sky full of angels.

But how would the shepherds recognize this “Savior…Christ the Lord”? What would make Him unique? It would be His shocking lowliness and poverty. They would find an infant, wrapped up like a newborn, lying in a feeding trough.

Imagine yourself a shepherd, on the ground, gazing out into the blackness, hearing only the night sounds. 

Listen and sing:
Hymn: The Shepherd’s Carol
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This Is Our Champion

A reflection on Revelation 19:11-16,
the vision of the warrior Christ

See Jesus Christ for all He is.
He is more than a baby in a manger.
He is more than a gentle healer and teacher.

He is a Mighty Warrior who leads
all the forces of Sovereign God
against the armies of evil.
His enemies are
vicious, and

He not only teaches and heals.
He judges and wages war.
He is no longer clothed like a peasant.
He is a great conqueror
who wears a robe dipped in the blood of His enemies.
His name is still Prince of Peace,
but it is also King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
He carries not only a shepherd’s staff
but a rod of iron to shatter any who oppose Him.

He rides a white horse.
His eyes are a flame of fire.
On His head are many crowns, and
He treads the wine press of
the fierce wrath of Almighty God.
He is Yahweh Sabaoth,
Lord of all the armies of heaven.
From His mouth comes a sharp, double-edged sword:
the eternal truth and
sovereign authority of the One High God.
With it He will make a slaughter of the enemies of
love, and

Satan and all His followers are arrayed against us.
But this is our Savior!
This is our Deliverer!
This is our Champion,
Jesus Christ! 

Listen and sing:
Hymn: Psalm 2
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Our King

David had been the most powerful,
most commanding,
most “successful” king Israel had ever had.
And the Messiah was promised to be
a greater heir to
David’s glorious throne.

But Jesus arrived as the seemingly-illegitimate son of peasants,
with a filthy stable for a nursery and
a feeding trough His only cradle.
He entered this world sharing
the misery,
the poverty,
the shame, and
the oppression of His people.

Maybe that’s how a king should come.

His riches would be the Spirit of Almighty God.
His power would be the unrestrainable love of our Father Creator.
His most sweeping victory would be His death, and
His greatest gift to His people would be

He has come!
Receive Him now,
the King of all Kings and
the Lord of all Lords! 

Listen and sing:
Hymn: All Praise to You, Eternal Lord
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Our Wedding Day Is Near

A reflection on Revelation 19:7-10,
the marriage supper of the Lamb

No matter what our current situation,
our future is bright in Jesus Christ.

We are engaged to the sovereign Lord of all that is.
He loves us and
always will.
He has given Himself to us completely, with
all He is and
all He has.

In Him, our future is love,
rich and all-encompassing.
Our future is deep and total fulfillment.
Our future is joy and
Our future is unbroken union with the Source of all
wisdom and

We are destined to become creatures
more radiant,
more marvelous
than anyone could ever imagine.
Together, we will be the Bride of the Creator,
highly honored, and
magnificent in all His glory.
All the universe will celebrate our eternal joining.

The Father, Son, and Spirit are preparing us
even now.
As our wedding day approaches,
let us keep ourselves pure.
Let us give ourselves to our Bridegroom alone. 

Listen and sing:
Hymn: See Christ, Your Bridegroom
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Hear the Voice of Love

Submit yourselves, then, to God…
Come near to God and he will come near to you.
(James 4:7-8, NIV)

I passed the television and reached out my hand to turn it on. But I felt You prompt me to turn to You and pray instead. I obeyed, and I was glad I did.

I was even gladder when I realized that it was a request from You, my Savior, my Brother, and my Friend.

Lord, help me hear all Your promptings not as demands from a higher authority but as personal invitations from You. May each request remind me of the intimate moments we have enjoyed and the many times You have come and met my need.

Each word from You is an invitation to draw closer. Help me to always hear Your voice as the voice of love. 

Listen and sing:
Hymn: Constant Love
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You Are Good

A prayer response to Revelation 19:1-6,
the four-fold hallelujah

Father, we join the song of
all the saints of
all the ages:
You are right and good, and
everything You do is right and good.

You are good when You bless and
good when You punish.
You are good when You give and
good when You take away.
You are good when life is bathed in light and
good when all is darkness.

You are good when we understand You and
good when our minds and hearts are too small.
You are good in our abundance and
good in our need.
You are good when we laugh and
good when grief overwhelms us.

Father, through every season
in every situation,
You are good.
You are good, and
Your love endures forever. 

Listen and sing:
Hymn: You Are Good
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Seeing God’s Glory

Exodus 33:18-19; 34:5-7; Psalm 16:11; 27:1; 118:14

I bow in Your presence.
I look up and cry
with all my heart:

“The Lord!
The Lord!
The eternal, unchanging God,
patient and
overflowing with love and
You are my light and
my salvation!
You are my strength and
my song!
You, O glorious God,
are my fullness of joy!” 

Listen and sing:
Hymn: The Glow of Your Goodness
Printed Music & Lyrics

What Will Matter Then?

A reflection on Revelation 18:9-24,
the laments over the fall of Babylon

It’s easy to become infected by the values of this world:

  • The signature of a famous person is worth thousands.
  • A vase is worth a year’s salary.
  • A single painting is worth $100,000,000 or more.
  • For the applause of people, many will gladly invest an entire life.

But when the world is on fire,
how much will they be worth?
When you are drawing your final breaths,
what will matter then?

Those who have disposed of
the belongings of a departed loved know that
the physical goods they leave behind,
belongings they may have treasured,
are now just stuff.
Getting rid of it is a chore, a burden.

The Bible mocks those who worship false gods:
False gods can’t carry us.
We have to carry them.

love, and
the God who will
carry you. 

Listen and sing:
Hymn: The Rich Young Ruler
Printed Music & Lyrics

One with You in Christ

Father, in Jesus Christ
I can know You –
I can know You completely,
You who are
all life,
holiness, and

In Christ, our knowing is
full and
heart-to-heart and
I share Your life.
I breathe Your breath.
Your Spirit is
my spirit.

In Christ, I am one with everyone who shares in You.
In Jesus Christ, Father, You became incarnate in
a Person.
And as we are all in Christ,
You become incarnate in
a people.
All life is in You,
And in You, all life is
joy, and
complete, eternal well-being. 

Listen and sing:
Hymn: See God in Christ
Printed Music & Lyrics

Children of This Age

A reflection on Revelation 18:1-8,
the fall of Babylon.
See also Matthew 5:3-12.

See a picture of the people who displease God,
the children of Satan,
the people whom God will destroy.
See them
glorifying self,
serving self,
lusting for comfort and luxury,
clinging to this world,
seeking their meaning and security in this world,

See a picture of the people whom God blesses,
the people who will rule the earth forever,
the people who will inherit all His eternal riches.
Hear Jesus describe them.
They don’t grasp for earthly possessions, but are
poor in spirit,
meek and gentle.
They mourn what God mourns and are
hungry to be like Him.
They are merciful, and
they make peace.
They joyfully follow Christ, even when it brings persecution.

Such people are not children of this age,
doomed to pass away.
They are children of the living, everlasting God,
His heirs,
His treasure. 

Listen and sing:
Hymn: Beatitudes Hymn
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