Heaven Here and Now

Many of
God’s eternal blessings are
available to you
right now!

Printed Music

I want to live in the Holy of Holies.
I want to live, my Lord, in You.
I want to walk in the light of Your presence.
I want to walk in simple truth.

I can wait for Your heavenly blessings.
I can trust Your when and how.
But if You, my Lord, are heaven,
I want heaven here and now.
I want heaven here and now.

Life’s beginning and its ending,
Its fountain and its crystal sea.
My Lord, You’re all the life of heaven.
Be life right now for me.

I can wait for Your heavenly blessings.
I can trust Your when and how.
But if You, my Lord, are heaven,
I want heaven here and now.
I want heaven here and now.

I don’t want to waste a lifetime
Trying just to make it through,
Then to find the best of heaven
Was available in You.

I can wait for Your heavenly blessings.
I can trust Your when and how.
But if You, my Lord, are heaven,
I want heaven here and now.
I want heaven here and now.

by Ken Bible, © 2000, 2001 LNWhymns.com.

One comment

  1. Jeff says:

    Hey, Ken,

    Trying to find your poem that went like this.

    Who brought our lives together?
    Whose finger lit the flame?
    Whose heart has made this miracle
    That we should feel the same?

    You, just You
    Who gave us this love?

    So, over 20 years ago, a friend asked if I’d put a tune to it and my wife and I sung it in her wedding. She was asking to hear that old tune again, but I could not find the words.

    Anyway, would you please hit me up if this is indeed your poem? And, of course, if you’re willing to share the poem with me once again.

    Thanks so much!


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