The Magnificent One

Father, Your reality is broader than
our senses or imagination.
Your world stretches far beyond
this tiny realm and
our brief few moments on this earth.
Help us to live wholeheartedly
with You and Your reality in view.

The Magnificent One
Isaiah 6:1-4; Habakkuk 2:20

He is the Magnificent One,
high above,
separate, and
infinitely beyond.

He is
incomparable, and
absolutely glorious.

He is
the Source of all being,
the Creator,
the Uncreated One.

majestic, and
He is
always good,
always just, and
complete in Himself.

He is
the I AM.

He is
Holy God.

Father, You are eternal.
Only in You are we eternal.
You are holy.
Only in You are we holy.
You are all-in-all.
Only in You are we complete.

Hymn: Worshiping Transcendent God

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