I Am Yours Completely

Creator God, Father God,
I am Yours.
You conceived me and shaped me
from Yourself.
You gifted me
from Yourself.
My life,
my dignity,
any ability or awareness or worth I have
are all given by You and
shared with You.
I can only exist
in You.
I can only be whole
in You.
I am from You.

Redeemer God, Son of God,
I am Yours.
When I was hopelessly enslaved to
sin, weakness, and death,
You laid down Your own life to buy me back.
I belong to You
mind, and
My only life is
in You.
My only forgiveness is
in You.
My only holiness is
in You.

Breath of God, Spirit of God,
I am Yours.
Moment by moment
I am one with the Father
in You.
I am one with the Son
in You.
I breathe the life,
the power, and
the wisdom of God
in You.

Son, and
by Your Word,
by Your blood, and
by Your breath,
I am Yours completely
now and
Praise to You!

Listen and sing:
Hymn: Give God What Is God’s
Printed Music & Lyrics

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