I will hear what God the Lord will say;
For He will speak peace to His people.
(Psalm 85:8, NASB)
God, Your ways,
Your wisdom,
Your guidance
are so precious,
so perfect,
so life-giving.
They are always spoken in the purest love, and
specifically for me.
You lead me moment by moment.
When I have a need,
Your love never fails.
Your wisdom never falls short.
But, Lord, I fear at times that I miss some of Your
most delicate,
most tender,
most precious words to me.
I fear Your voice is drowned out by the noise of
my own plans and
foolish desires.
God, I set aside my desires and open myself to You.
When You speak,
I want to hear every whisper.
Listen and sing:
Hymn: God Is Speaking
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