Tag Archive for We Need You Holy God

from Prepare Yourself for Worship

Father, We Need You

Father, our needs drive us to You.

We need to see Your greatness.
We need to see You in all Your magnificence.
For without seeing You,
we lose perspective and
quickly get out of focus.
Our thoughts are overwhelmed by the twin evils of
fear and

We need Your wisdom.
In our eyes,
the present is deeply distorted, and
the future is complete darkness.
We need Your light.

We need Your holiness.
We are too weak to even desire what is right,
much less attain it.

But most of all, Holy Father,
we need You.
We gather because
we need You.
We need You
with us,
within us,
leading us,
enfolding us,
uplifting us.

We gather with our Christian brothers and sisters,
because through them, we hope to sense
Your smile,
Your touch,
Your teaching,
Your fellowship,
Your encouragement.

Merciful Father, be near.
We need You.

Listen and sing:
Hymn: We Need You, Holy God
Printed Music & Lyrics