Tag Archive for Trinity Hymn

From You, through You, to You

Romans 11:32-36; 1 Corinthians 8:6;
Colossians 1:15-16; Revelation 5:11-14

Romans 11:36 expresses the intriguing truth that
everything flows
from God,
through Him, and
to Him,
the Source and Giver of all.
This hymn helps us grasp that
wonderful reality.

Printed Music

From You, through You, to You, our Father,
Maker, Giver in all that You do!
Earth and heaven, being, existence,
Our Father, all flow from You.

Boundless power, sovereign in mercy,
Building, blessing through all that You do!
Heaven’s kingdom ever advances,
Our Savior, only through You.

Wisdom, glory, honor, and worship,
Blessing, praises for all that You do,
Father, Savior, Spirit, be given
Forever only to You!

by Ken Bible, © 2013 LNWhymns.com.

You Are Almighty God

See our three-in-on God in all
His power,
His love, and
His beautiful, personal presence.

Printed Music 

Look up and see His holy power.
Listen and hear Him in the thunder.
Bow down and find Him in the darkness.
He is Almighty God.
Father, O Father,
We are Your children.
We bow in worship.
You are Almighty God.

Look up and see His body broken.
Listen and hear His Spirit groaning.
Bow down and wonder in the silence.
He is the Son of God.
Jesus, O Jesus,
Shepherd and Savior,
We bow in worship.
You are the Son of God.

Wake up and see the Spirit moving.
Hear Him and follow as He whispers.
Step out, depending on His power.
He is the Breath of God.
Spirit, O Spirit,
Speak to Your people.
Come, Holy Power.
You are the Breath of God.


by Ken Bible, © 2006 LNWhymns.com

Trinity Hymn

Printed Music

God Almighty, Great Creator,
Lord and Father, King and Friend,
Ever full, yet ever giving,
Pure, but quick to condescend!
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Love that none can comprehend!

Fullness of the Father’s glory,
Human Son, Immanuel,
Word of God, His mercy spoken,
Crushing sin and death and hell!
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
God is here, and all is well!

God is with us—breathe His Spirit!
Know your heaven here begun,
Bathed in life and love and power,
Fruit of all that Christ has done.
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Earth and heaven breathe as one.

God the Father, Son, and Spirit!
All around and all within,
He has wrapped us in His Being.
All is life & peace in Him.
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Morning dawns, let life begin!

from Prepare Yourself for Worship

Prepare for Trinity Sunday

O Lord our God,
You share Yourself with us
so completely,
so graciously,
so beautifully.

You are our Father Creator.
Existence itself is Yours alone, and
You joyfully share it with us.
You lavish on us
Your life,
Your love,
Your wisdom,
Your glory.

You are Jesus, our divine yet human Brother.
You tenderly, sacrificially became
one with us in every way.
By sharing
our weakness,
our suffering, and
our death,
You reunited us with God our Father.
Thank You, Lord!
Thank You!

You are God the Spirit.
You breathe
into us and
among us
the life of the Father and
the life of the Son.

O boundless, mysterious, merciful, all-encompassing God!
You envelop us in Yourself
every moment in
every way.
In You we
live and
move and
have our being.
Today, Lord, help us
worship You for all You are! 

Listen and sing:
Hymn: Trinity Hymn
Printed Music & Lyrics

The Christ of Trinity Sunday

from A Christ-centered Year

“I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may be with you forever…the Spirit of truth.“If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our abode with him.” (John 14:16-17, 23, NASB)

On Trinity Sunday, Jesus ushers us into
the full unity, love, and fellowship of
Father, Son, and Spirit.

God is our Father, who lavishly, joyfully shares
His life and existence with us.

God is the Son, our Brother,
who fully became one of us,
reuniting us with the Father.

God is the Spirit, who breathes the Son
among us and within us.

God is Father, Son, and Spirit,
One God,
One undivided being,
One self-giving love,
yet three distinct persons.
Each envelops us in God in unique ways and at the same time,
enables our union with all the Others.

Their complete oneness, their unbroken sharing,
is the heaven of peace and wholeness
into which all believers are being drawn.
This oneness gave Jesus the
completely sufficient life He enjoyed,
even while wrapped in poverty and suffering.

On Trinity Sunday, Jesus ushers us into
this full unity, love, and fellowship in the
Father, Son, and Spirit.

Listen and sing:
Hymn: Trinity Hymn
Printed Music & Lyrics