Tag Archive for Thomas Binney

Eternal Light

In Jesus Christ
we are welcomed in the
very presence of
holy, transcendent God!

Printed Music 

Eternal Light! Eternal Light!
What soul can bear Your searching sight?
What heart, so open, pure, and true,
Can live and calmly gaze on You?

The glowing spirits round Your throne
All serve where sin is never known.
Their eyes can bear the burning bliss
Beyond a darkened world like this.

But how can I, a native here,
Before Your blazing eyes appear?
Can I, a creature of the night,
Endure Your uncreated light?

Praise God, You come to us in Christ!
In Him our darkness all is light!
O Fire of all-consuming grace,
In Christ we stand here face to face!


by Thomas Binney and Ken Bible, © 2007 LNWhymns.com