Tag Archive for suffering Jesus

Christ in Psalm 38

Jesus Christ took upon Himself
the full weight of
our suffering for sin,
so vividly depicted in
Psalm 38.

Printed Music 

Despised, condemned, forsaken
For sin, but not His own;
What guilt and countless torments rained
On Him and Him alone!
Rebuked, oppressed, abandoned there,
Immersed in deepest pain,
Consumed by sorrow, crushed by grief
And evil unrestrained.

While hatred shouts its anger,
Hear fervent love and prayer
As even those who torture Him
Are objects of His care.
While enemies are mocking Him
And loved ones pull away,
His unresisting silence speaks
More love than words could say.

O Savior, in our weakness,
Our darkest guilt and shame,
We look to You, our holiness,
Eternally the same.
Our pure and perfect sacrifice,
The goodness we pursue,
Our hope, our joy, our confidence,
Our destiny is You.


by Ken Bible, © 2018 LNWhymns.com