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FIXED ON GOD Devotional Tapestry

FIXED ON GOD Devotional Tapestry

Devotional Tapestries are short recordings designed to draw your heart and mind to the Living God. Each includes a devotional reading over instrumental music, leading into a hymn.

Listen to FIXED ON GOD Devotional Tapestry
Printed devotional & hymn
More Devotional Tapestries

Deep Peace

My soul finds rest in God alone. (Psalm 62:1, NIV)

As we develop a habit of continual prayer, our relationship with God grows. We are at rest in Him. Our spirit is satisfied in His presence.

In a sense, we live as if it is only God and us in the world. We are always together and converse naturally. We gain a holy freedom in Him. We ask whatever we need, and He pours unexpected graces on us. Our trust deepens. We rejoice with Him in a thousand daily ways.

This communion with God is held in the depths of the soul, at its very center. We can speak to God heart-to-heart in a wonderful peace. Exterior concerns are only a fire of straw: the more they flare, the sooner they are burnt out. Such concerns need not disturb our inner peace.

Listen and sing:
Hymn: Peace in Christ
Printed Music & Lyrics

by Brother Lawrence and Ken Bible