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from Prepare Yourself for Worship

Worshiping in the Darkness

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I fear no evil, for You are with me. (Psalm 23:4, NASB)

Father, sometimes all I can do is
worship You in the darkness.
Sometimes, whether from
sorrow, or
moods I can’t control or understand,
I can’t sense Your presence.
I can’t feel Your love.
I can’t see You working.
I can’t span the distance between us.

You offer no explanations.
You seem silent,

But God, I know You are my Father.
I know You are always good.
I know You are always here, even when I can’t
see You or
feel You.

So even when the darkness engulfs me,
I will remember who You are, and
I will worship You,
praise You, and
trust You. 

Listen and sing:
Hymn: God Is Great, and God Is Good
Printed Music & Lyrics

from Prepare Yourself for Worship

Prepare for Ordinary Time

Father, thank You for ordinary time, when You
order our lives by
the example and
the words of Jesus.

Thank You for the privilege of spending these days with
Your holy and perfectly-pleasing Son.
Like His first disciples, we
walk with Him,
talk with Him,
watch Him, and
listen to Him.
We work with Him and
relax with Him.
We feast on His words and
drink in the pattern of His life.

And as we follow Him,
His Spirit within us turns
His teaching and
His example
into faith and love in our own lives.

Father, thank You for these
ordinary, beautiful days
spent with Jesus. 

Listen and sing:
Hymn: Come and Follow Me
Printed Music & Lyrics

from Prepare Yourself for Worship

Prepare for Trinity Sunday

O Lord our God,
You share Yourself with us
so completely,
so graciously,
so beautifully.

You are our Father Creator.
Existence itself is Yours alone, and
You joyfully share it with us.
You lavish on us
Your life,
Your love,
Your wisdom,
Your glory.

You are Jesus, our divine yet human Brother.
You tenderly, sacrificially became
one with us in every way.
By sharing
our weakness,
our suffering, and
our death,
You reunited us with God our Father.
Thank You, Lord!
Thank You!

You are God the Spirit.
You breathe
into us and
among us
the life of the Father and
the life of the Son.

O boundless, mysterious, merciful, all-encompassing God!
You envelop us in Yourself
every moment in
every way.
In You we
live and
move and
have our being.
Today, Lord, help us
worship You for all You are! 

Listen and sing:
Hymn: Trinity Hymn
Printed Music & Lyrics

from Prepare Yourself for Worship

Prepare for Pentecost

Father, thank You for the gift of Your Spirit,
the Spirit of Your holy and beloved Son,
Jesus Christ.
What a magnificent Gift!
He is enriching my life in ways beyond my
counting or
He is breathing Christ into
my mind,
my desires, and
my daily actions.

But Father, You have taught me that my relationship with You
is a dynamic one.
Your Spirit is not a one-time Gift.
He is Your living, breathing presence.
Like any relationship,
ours is a living stream:
it flows continually, or
it becomes stagnant and
begins to dry up.
I want Your Spirit in me to be
a well of water springing up to eternal life. (John 4:14, NASB).

Father, thank You for the Gift of Pentecost.
May everyone I encounter be
refreshed and
nourished by
Your Spirit flowing through me.

Listen and sing:
Hymn: Breath of Life
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from Prepare Yourself for Worship

Prepare for Ascension Day

Father, thank You for the ascension of Jesus.
He is once again in Your intimate presence,
breathing the love and peace that were Yours
from all eternity.
We share Your joy in His return!

His ascension assures us that His work here is complete.
The perfect human life has been lived.
The full and final sacrifice for all our sin has been
offered and
At Your side He is ruling all history and all reality with
perfect wisdom,
perfect power, and
perfect love.
Once again He is bathed in the glory and magnificence
that are uniquely and rightfully His.

As He is parted from us, You reassure us that
You will be with us forever.
You remind us that
You will soon pour out Your Spirit on us, and
Your Son will one day return
just as we have seen Him go.

By His ascension, You have exalted the crucified Christ as
Lord, and
soon-coming King.
Father, we praise You!
Today help us celebrate this glorious reality.

Listen and sing:
Hymn: The Glorified Christ
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from Prepare Yourself for Worship

Father, We Need You

Father, our needs drive us to You.

We need to see Your greatness.
We need to see You in all Your magnificence.
For without seeing You,
we lose perspective and
quickly get out of focus.
Our thoughts are overwhelmed by the twin evils of
fear and

We need Your wisdom.
In our eyes,
the present is deeply distorted, and
the future is complete darkness.
We need Your light.

We need Your holiness.
We are too weak to even desire what is right,
much less attain it.

But most of all, Holy Father,
we need You.
We gather because
we need You.
We need You
with us,
within us,
leading us,
enfolding us,
uplifting us.

We gather with our Christian brothers and sisters,
because through them, we hope to sense
Your smile,
Your touch,
Your teaching,
Your fellowship,
Your encouragement.

Merciful Father, be near.
We need You.

Listen and sing:
Hymn: We Need You, Holy God
Printed Music & Lyrics

from Prepare Yourself for Worship

Living Praise

Omnipotent Father
worthy of all praise,
we worship You most eloquently,
not by what we say,
but by
what we do and
who we are.

You created us for this purpose.
You redeemed us and
transformed us sinners into brand new creatures.
You did so that others,
in realms and ages far beyond our own,
might wonder at
the glory of Your grace (Ephesians 1:5-6, 12),
the riches of Your kindness (Ephesians 2:7), and
Your amazing, many-sided wisdom (Ephesians 3:8-11).
You made us who we are
to show others just how
great and
good and
gracious You are.

O Father,
I want to praise You that way!
I want to glorify You that way!
I want others to
see me and
worship You.

Help me to praise You that way
among Your people.
And as we worship together,
prepare me to glorify You
all week long.

Listen and sing:
Hymn: Make My Life a Holy Fragrance
Printed Music & Lyrics

from Prepare Yourself for Worship

Father, Receive My Gift

Father, You are beyond all need.
You are full to overflowing.
All that is flows from You and
is forever nourished by You.
Your nature, Your joy is
to give,
to share,
to bless.

Your resources are endless, and
Your authority is complete.
You simply speak, and it is so.
Your will is the power that fuels all reality.
Your love is the music that makes the universe dance.

You are not impressed by our material gifts.
You are like a great-hearted king
to whom a child joyfully, lovingly brings a penny.
The penny is worthless.
The love is priceless.

Father, my Father,
that’s what I want to give You:
I want to daily bring You my love.
Like the alabaster perfume,
like the widow’s mite,
I want my life to be a gift of love,
worthless to the world, but
priceless to my loving Father.

Let all my “accomplishments” be like
a child’s drawing.
Receive the love they express, Father.
Receive the worship,
simple but sincere.
Receive the gift
because it is all I have.
I offer it joyfully, thankfully to You.

Listen and sing:
Hymn: As Simply as a Child
Printed Music & Lyrics

from Prepare Yourself for Worship

When I Worship You

Father, when I worship You, I simply, honestly acknowledge Your reality.
You are, and
You are who You say You are.
When I worship You, I acknowledge
what You have done and what You are doing.
Worship doesn’t require advanced intelligence or complex reasoning.
When I worship, I am responding in simple faith
to You and to the truth about You:

You are the Creator.
All that is flows from You.
I flow from You, my Father.
You are eternal.
You envelop all time, all the past, present, and future.
You are the First and Last, the Beginning and the End and
everything in-between.
You are All-in-all.
You are holy.
You are pure, and
You are transcendent.
You are separate, high above everything and everyone else.
You are our Redeemer,
our Savior,
our Sacrifice.

Father, when I worship You,
I am drawn deeper and deeper into Your magnificence.
When I focus on You,
I think and talk less about myself and
more about You.

And Father, worship is contagious.
As we worship, we draw each other into that worship.
Worship will crescendo until
one day it envelops all creation (Revelation 5:8-14).

Listen and sing:
Hymn: Revelation Worship
Printed Music & Lyrics

from Prepare Yourself for Worship

Seeing a Greater God 

Even after many years of following You, Father,
much of my life makes no sense in light of
who You are.
You are perfect power,
perfect wisdom, and
perfect love.
Yet the faith I live is so weak.
My thoughts and actions proclaim a God who is
only a vague shadow of You,
a God who is
limited and
So much of me is still unmolded by the truth of
all You are.
My daily walk is clouded by
fear, and

Almighty Father, I long to know You in a way that is
I want to respond to You
for all You are.
I hunger to think and speak and walk
each moment
in the light of Your full greatness.

Continue to draw me to Yourself.
Your Word, and
Your loving discipline, Father,
help me to
see You more clearly and
trust You more simply.

Listen and sing:
Hymn: High and Holy Sovereign God
Printed Music & Lyrics