Tag Archive for living the beauty of Christ

The Beauty of Christ

Father, adorn my life with
the beauty of Christ, and
open my eyes to see
His beauty in the
people and
You place all around me.

Printed Music

Do you see the beauty of Christ
In lives of grace and kindness?
Have you seen the warmth of His smile
On the face of a caring friend?

Do you sense the joy of His heart
When all is food and laughter?
Do you hear the song of His peace
In the sharing of day by day?

The fragrance of Christ can fill our hearts,
Our lives be a gentle rain.

Do you show the beauty of Christ
Through words of grace and kindness?
Do you shine the warmth of His smile
On the face of a needy friend?

O Lord of all love, come share Yourself.
Come be all that life can be.

May I shine Your beauty, O Lord,
Through all the fear and darkness.
Fill my heart with joy in Your love
That my life be a gift of peace

by Ken Bible, © 2009 LNWhymns.com.