Tag Archive for I AM

The I AM

Jesus Christ is the Word become flesh (John 1:14).
He is the image of the invisible God (Colossians 1:15).
He is all the fullness of the Deity in bodily form (Colossians 2:9).
He is the radiance of the Father’s glory and
       the exact representation of His very being (Hebrews 1:3).

Holy God is now human.
The Almighty shares our weakness.
Our Sovereign is a humble servant.
The Unapproachable One grants us unlimited access.
The Transcendent, the Incomprehensible, the Unimaginable
has come to us, and
we see Him face to face.

Mystery and intimacy,
power and dependence,
time and eternity
are seamlessly combined in Him.

The Unknowable is knowable
by childlike faith alone.
The glory of the Infinite God,
of whom the vast universe is only a passing glimpse and a faint whisper,
is fully revealed in this One.

He shares with us
His wisdom,
His heart,
His breath, and
His peace.
He welcomes us with open arms,
holds us gently in His hand,
lovingly speaks our name, and
calls Himself our Brother.

All that the Father has,
all that He is, and
all the gifts of His magnificent Being
are ours forever in this One:
Jesus Christ.

Holy Father,
in Jesus Christ
You have removed all the barriers
between You and me.

Listen…and sing if you want:
Hymn: We Can Know Our God Transcendent
Printed Music & Lyrics