Tag Archive for hymns on the trinity






Monday –      The Christ of Trinity Sunday
         Hymn: Trinity Hymn (recording) (printed)

Tuesday –     Prepare for Trinity Sunday
         Hymn: Give God What Is God’s (recording) (printed)

Wednesday – Knowing the Unknowable
         Hymn: One with God (recording) (printed)

Thursday –    Our All-encompassing God
         Hymn: Father and Son (recording) (printed)

Friday –          Glorify Jesus Christ
         Hymn: Not I, but Christ (recording) (printed)

Saturday –     The Enthronement
         Hymn: Enthronement Hymn (recording) (printed)


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You Are Almighty God

See our three-in-on God in all
His power,
His love, and
His beautiful, personal presence.

Printed Music 

Look up and see His holy power.
Listen and hear Him in the thunder.
Bow down and find Him in the darkness.
He is Almighty God.
Father, O Father,
We are Your children.
We bow in worship.
You are Almighty God.

Look up and see His body broken.
Listen and hear His Spirit groaning.
Bow down and wonder in the silence.
He is the Son of God.
Jesus, O Jesus,
Shepherd and Savior,
We bow in worship.
You are the Son of God.

Wake up and see the Spirit moving.
Hear Him and follow as He whispers.
Step out, depending on His power.
He is the Breath of God.
Spirit, O Spirit,
Speak to Your people.
Come, Holy Power.
You are the Breath of God.


by Ken Bible, © 2006 LNWhymns.com