Tag Archive for hymn on Psalm 36

Psalm 36

Psalm 36:5-9 is an exuberant picture of the
goodness and greatness of Almighty God,
here captured in vv.2-3 of this hymn.
That picture is framed with
the smallness and sinfulness of the human heart (v.1) and
our response of simple faith in such a wonderful God (v.4).

Printed Music

Without You, O God, we are selfish and vain,
Consumed with our glory, our comfort, our gain.
Deceived by this world and the sin we ignore,
We’re smiling and polished but wrong to the core.

But Father, Your truth and Your unfailing love
Engulf all the vastness of heaven above.
Your holiness floods all the fathomless deep
And all the creation You nurture and keep.

Lord, You are the fountain, the source and the sea
Of life and its glories, of all that will be,
The ocean of peace, of all justice and right,
The Good of all goodness, the Light of all light.

We turn from the darkness and look up to You,
So thirsty for all that is lovely and true.
We ask Your forgiveness, Your rightness restored,
Our Loving Creator, our Father, our Lord!

by Ken Bible, © 2018 LNWhymns.com.