The Holy Spirit in Acts
This hymn paints a panorama of
the Holy Spirit
in the book of Acts.
It is a joyful picture of
the Spirit’s ministry
in and among us.
The tune is familiar.
Almighty the life of our risen Redeemer!
Almighty the Spirit of Jesus outpoured!
The wind and the fire are the fruit of His promise,
The sign, the assurance, the proof He is Lord.
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
Fill every person with all that You are!
Your glory, Your presence, Your power for service,
Your confident boldness through life and through death,
Your love and Your gladness, Your wide-open giving,
The wonder, the beauty of breathing Your breath –
You call and equip us, You grow us together,
Now leading, now teaching, now forming each one.
You help us to know what is far beyond knowing:
The life and the love of the Father and Son.
by Ken Bible, © 2000, 2019