Tag Archive for David

David and Bathsheba: Renewal

from the devotional book, PICTURES OF GOD

2 Samuel 12:14-25

Lust. Adultery. Deceit. Murder. Abuse of power.

David had set a dreadful example for God’s people. What’s more, instead of being God’s light to the peoples around Israel, David had shamed God’s reputation among them (2 Samuel 12:14). As a result, God decreed that the sorrow and death David had brought into his home would begin with his newborn son. The child would die. And he did.

But here is where the story takes an amazing turn. One might have expected that David’s illicit union with Bathsheba would be cursed, or at least that no good fruit would come of it. The opposite happens. The Lord blesses their union with another child, a boy, and the scripture says specifically that “the Lord loved him” (12:24).

The child was Solomon. His name comes from the Hebrew word “shalom”, meaning “peace”. He was also given the name “Jedidiah”, which in Hebrew means “loved of the Lord” (12:25). Of all David’s children, he was selected to inherit the throne at David’s death. God chose him to build His house, the temple, and God blessed him with wisdom and riches beyond imagination. What’s more, the Messiah would come from Solomon’s line, from the line of David and Bathsheba.

What a marvelous story of God’s forgiveness! While David’s sin had destructive consequences, God also blessed his line with compassionate, life-giving renewal. This is a foretaste of what God would do in Jesus Christ:

Where sin increased, grace abounded all the more. (Romans 5:20, NASB)

David and Bathsheba: the Sin

from the devotional book, PICTURES OF GOD

2 Samuel 11:1-5

After a long conflict with Saul and Saul’s son, David was fully and finally king. God had firmly established his rule and had promised that his dynasty would last forever. David was a success.

But the challenges never stop as long as we’re in this life. This challenge came from a totally unexpected source. The Tempter rarely enters with a trumpet fanfare. Notice how David’s sin begins:

  • Apparently he has gotten too comfortable in his success. This story falls in the middle of protracted wars with one of Israel’s enemies, Ammon. When spring comes, the time for the war to begin again, David isn’t at his post as head of the army. He leaves the work to his general and stays home.
  • David has taken a nap, then gets up and walks around the roof of his house, looking out on his neighbors. He sees Bathsheba bathing.
  • A look yields to lust, and lust yields to outright sin. “Sow a thought, reap an act.”
  • Bathsheba becomes pregnant. His private sin is about to have public consequences.

We all face temptations. They will change, but they will never go away in this life. But remember:

  • Though the Tempter makes sin seem so pleasant, note Jesus’ warning in John 10:10 – Satan comes only to steal, kill, and destroy. That is always his agenda. Steal, kill, and destroy is what he is attempting to do to you!
  • The sin you’re being tempted to taste is deadly poison. Don’t savor the flavor, even for a moment. It is loss, regret, pain, slavery, and death.
  • Sometimes Satan will try to make the temptation seem overwhelming and yielding seem inevitable. But God always provides a way of escape:

No temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to man; and God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, so that you will be able to endure it. (1 Corinthians 10:13, NASB)

Turn to God immediately. Don’t wait.