Tag Archive for Advent hymn

God in Christ in Us

[God] said, “You cannot see My face,
for no man can see Me and live!”


The Word became flesh, and
dwelt among us, and
we saw His glory,
glory as of the only begotten from the Father,
full of grace and truth.
(Exodus 33:20; John 1:14, NASB)

Father, I see Your holy beauty in Jesus Christ.
Though He is fully human,
He is fully,
gloriously You.

Father, You have given us His Spirit,
so display Him through us,
His Church.
When the world sees us, may they glimpse
His holy heart and
His holy life.
May they sense both
His divinity and
His beautiful humanity.
May they feel
His compassion,
His gentle patience, and
His generous heart.
May they taste
His joy,
His deep peace, and
His flaming passion for You.

Through us,
may they come to know Christ;
and through Christ,
may they come to know You.

In Your service, Father,
when I focus on
my plans and
my glory,
I shrink Your glorious purposes
to the size of
my self-centered heart.
When I lose myself in
Your plans and
Your glory,
I become part of a purpose that is
greater and grander
than this whole world.
Wash away all my ambitions, Father,
but the ambition for
Your glory,
Your Kingdom, and
Your will.

Hymn: God in Christ in Us

Eternal Life Is Knowing You

How wonderful is
God’s revelation of Himself
in Jesus Christ!
The more we know Him,
the more we realize that
all life, joy, and peace is
knowing Him.
We are complete in Jesus Christ.
Sing at Christmas or year round.
The tune is familiar.

Printed Music

You made us from Yourself, O my God, O my God.
Your mercy calls us back, O my God.
The love that longs to bless,
The needs that we confess
Are You and nothing less, O my God, living God!
Your promise is Yourself, Father God!

Your promise now is here. What a gift: Jesus Christ!
Our Brother and Your Son, Jesus Christ!
All mystery and delight,
All wisdom and all right,
All power, love, and life fill Your Son, Jesus Christ.
We stand complete in Him, Jesus Christ!

What life and light and joy knowing You, knowing You!
We long for nothing else knowing You.
Our childish fear and pride
We gladly throw aside
With hearts now open wide knowing You, knowing You.
Eternal life is this: knowing You!

by Ken Bible, © 2019 LNWhymns.com.

Go to the Wilderness!

Through the rough and wild John the Baptist,
God was calling His people
back to the wilderness
where their faith in Him had first been formed.
John was confrontive,
stripping them of their comfortable excuses.
He challenged, warned, and
invited the people with
brutal, unadorned honesty.
For Advent.

Printed Music

Go to the wilderness!
Hear the voice of God!
His servant speaks the truth untamed,
And not for your applause.
His look is rough and unrefined.
His ways are raw and wild,
And through the fury of his words
God calls to you, His child.

Go to the wilderness!
Go confront your sin.
The Word that brings a storm of guilt
Will speak His peace within.
Confess the truth your heart has heard.
Repent and start to live.
The mercy that condemns your sin
Is longing to forgive.

Come to the wilderness!
Trust your God alone.
His mighty breath can fill your life
With life beyond your own.
So come and live the truth untamed!
Begin your life again,
For here you meet the Sovereign God
As Father and as Friend.

by Ken Bible, © 2010 LNWhymns.com.

Come, Our Lord!

Lift your eyes to the
new creation!

Printed Music 

Lift up your eyes
To the earth we now can see.
Lift up your hearts
To the world that soon will be.
Life will be new,
And its sorrows come no more.
We hunger for Your new creation.
Come, our Lord!
“I’m coming! I’m coming
To the loved ones I adore.”
We hear Your voice and trust Your promise.
Come, our Lord!

See all the joy
On the Father’s smiling face.
Come, feel the warmth
Of eternal love’s embrace.
Taste all the fruits
Of an Eden now restored.
We sing the hope that rises in us:
Come, our Lord!
“I’m coming! I’m coming
To be with you evermore.”
We hear Your voice and trust Your promise.
Come, our Lord!

Come, join the meal,
With the family all around.
Come, drink the wine
Of a love now more profound.
Breathe all the peace
Of His blessings now outpoured.
The Morning Star is brightly shining.
Come, our Lord!
“I’m coming! I’m coming,
So be patient through the storm.”
We hear Your voice and trust Your promise.
Come, our Lord!


by Ken Bible, © 2005 LNWhymns.com

Peace, Peace, Peace

Printed Music 

Peace, peace, peace–
The gift of Christ is peace.
We walk with God, our past forgiven.
All in Him is life and heaven.
Peace, peace, peace–
The gift of Christ is peace.

Hope, hope, hope–
The light of Christ is hope.
In all our darkness Christ is shining,
Leading upward, faith refining.
Hope, hope, hope–
The light of Christ is hope.

Love, love, love–
The heart of Christ is love.
On all who come He pours His presence-
Life and love in holy essence.
Love, love, love–
The heart of Christ is love.

Joy, joy, joy–
We praise You, Christ, with joy!
Our peace, our hope, our love and treasure,
Highest calling, deepest pleasure!
Joy, joy, joy–
We praise You, Christ, with joy!

See How God’s Flower Blossoms

Printed Music 

See how God’s flower blossoms
From dry and hardened earth,
And from our sin and darkness,
A child of humble birth;
So small for such a need,
Yet all of love’s long promise
Is in that tiny seed.

The breath of God eternal
Fills fragile flesh and bone
With truth and love and beauty
That glows of God alone.
And we have seen His face–
The glory of the Father,
The flower of His grace.

This flower is now a garden,
The fruit of that small seed,
A promise green and growing,
An Eden yet to be.
O Christ, our heart’s delight!
We rise and bloom and flourish
In You, our love and life!

One with You in Christ

Father, in Jesus Christ
I can know You –
I can know You completely,
You who are
all life,
holiness, and

In Christ, our knowing is
full and
heart-to-heart and
I share Your life.
I breathe Your breath.
Your Spirit is
my spirit.

In Christ, I am one with everyone who shares in You.
In Jesus Christ, Father, You became incarnate in
a Person.
And as we are all in Christ,
You become incarnate in
a people.
All life is in You,
And in You, all life is
joy, and
complete, eternal well-being. 

Listen and sing:
Hymn: See God in Christ
Printed Music & Lyrics