Archive for Hymns

Draw My Desires to You, Lord

A Hymn for hungry hearts

Printed Music

Draw my desires to You, Lord.
Draw every thought to You.
Absorb my heart,
My soul, my strength,
And draw my desires to You.
Lord, draw every thought to You.

Fill all my time with You, Lord.
Fill every hour with You.
Take all I plan
And all that comes,
And fill all my time with You.
Lord, fill every hour with You.

A Celebration of Life

A Hymn for the Easter season

Printed Music

Death had mocked our deepest longings,
Death, the bitter end for all;
Nothing lasting, nothing higher
Till that Easter call:

He is risen!
Now the death that was our future
Is our destiny no more!
He is risen!
Now we share the holy majesty
Of Jesus Christ our Lord!

Joy and beauty, love and giving,
Life and light go on and on!
All that bound our fearful hearts to
Sin and death is gone!

Celebrate our endless future!
Celebrate our here and now!
Celebrate our noble purpose –
Love will show us how!

I Cannot Tell

A Hymn on
the Mysteries of Christ

Printed Music

I cannot tell why He, the King of Heaven,
Should leave the peace of all eternity,
Why God Himself should lay aside His splendor
To leave the Father’s side and come to me.
But this I know: our silence filled with singing,
And all our darkness fled from heaven’s light
When Christ the Lord, so human, yet so holy,
In love was born a child for me that holy night!

I cannot tell why He, the Joy of Heaven,
Should give Himself to suffer for my sin,
Why Holy God should love me in my shamefulness,
Why He should die to draw my soul to Him.
But this I know: that Christ the Lord is risen,
And praise His name, He’s risen now in me!
Because He lives, I’ll rise to life eternal!
He took my guilty heart, and I’m forever free!

I cannot tell when He will rule the nations,
How He will claim His loved ones as His own;
And who can tell the holy jubilation
When all His children gather ’round His throne.
But this I know: all flesh will see His glory,
And skies will burst as all creation sings.
The Son will rise on one eternal morning
When Christ, the Savior of the world, is Lord and King!

Father and Son

A Hymn based on
John, chapters 14 – 17

Printed Music

In joy and in grieving, in love and in loss
I share in the Father and Son.
Reflecting their glory, enduring the cross,
I walk in the Father and Son.

One with You, Father,
One in Your Son,
Breathing Your Spirit, our union begun,
Rich in Your blessing,
Secure in Your grace,
Glimpsing the heaven that shines in Your face.

In speaking and doing, I’m never alone –
I follow the Father and Son.
When needing a strength far exceeding my own,
I cling to the Father and Son.

Embraced and empowered by all that You are,
O Father and Spirit and Son,
I share in Your fullness, Your mind and Your heart,
O Father and Spirit and Son!

All-conquering Love

A Hymn based on
Christ, the Conquering Lamb

Printed Music

Sovereign, all-transcending Lord,
Holy mystery, feared, adored,
In Your mighty Son we see
All Your love’s humility.

Christ the Lion, now the Lamb,
Gives Himself, the great I AM.
Christ, the Prince of Paradise,
Dies a slaughtered sacrifice.

Christ the Victor, in defeat,
Makes Your victory all complete.
As He prays His final breath,
Sovereign life now swallows death.

In His conquering strength we see
Deep and glorious mystery
Glowing from Your heart above:
Holy, fierce, all-conquering love.

Lay Aside Your Passing Pleasures

A Hymn for Lent

Printed Music

Lay aside your passing pleasures.
Look beyond what cannot last.
Shallow hopes are mere distractions.
Earthly comforts soon are past.
See in Christ a grand horizon.
Find a life more rich and vast.

Raise your eyes and see the Savior.
Feel His love, and hear His call.
Follow Him in self-denial.
Find your Father all in all.
Take the cross, accept the suffering.
Soon the cost will seem so small.

Gladly trade your crumbling treasure.
Gain the pearl of greatest price.
Life is more than pain and pleasure.
Life in Him is true delight.
Find your freedom, find your glory,
Find yourself in Jesus Christ.

Christ My Joy

A Hymn based on
Nehemiah 8:10; John 15:11; 17:13; Romans 14:17;
Philippians 2:17-18; 4:4; 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Printed Music

Jesus, Lord,
Truth and grace,
Boundless power,
Tender love,
Face of God my Father,
I rejoice in You!

Bleeding Lamb
Lifted up,
Dying God –
O what love!
Mercy from my Father,
I rejoice in You!

Living Christ,
Breath of God,
Holy life,
Holy love
Flowing here within me,
I rejoice in You!

All I want,
All I need,
All You are
Filling all my being,
You are Christ my joy!

A Thankful Heart

A Hymn based on
Mark 10:13-16; Colossians 3:15, 17; 1 John 3:18; 4:7-21

Printed Music

A thankful heart, a thankful heart,
Lord, grow in me a thankful heart.
So many gifts You give each day!
I ask one more: a thankful heart.

A simple faith, a simple faith,
For every need, a simple faith.
Father, You hold me in Your arms,
So give Your child a simple faith.

A life of love, a life of love,
In Jesus Christ a life of love.
Lord, as I live and breathe in You,
This wealth is mine: a life of love.

A thankful heart, a simple faith,
A life of love in You each day
Till we are one and face to face
And all is joy and endless praise!

Lord of Time

A Hymn based on
Psalm 31:14-15; John 15:5; Ephesians 5:15-16

Printed Music

I fight with time. I rush. I wait.
I plan. I press. I stay up late.
I try so hard to regulate
What only You control.

Great Lord of time, above its flow,
You give us time to change, to grow,
To learn to live the love we owe
To You, all-gracious God!

In Christ we learn what time can be:
A frame for love unrushed and free,
The pure and perfect harmony
Of life immersed in You.

The fruitfulness that we pursue
Flows not from what our plans can do
But Lord, from living all in You,
The ever-fruitful Vine.

A Thought about Congregational Singing

Like everyone else, I have my own preferences for congregational singing.

But the people of God are to come from all
classes, and
If the Church is what Christ died to make her,
she will be beautifully, amazingly diverse.

Congregational singing is communal.
It is inclusive.
It is uniting.
Its goal, its dream, its aspiration is to connect
all that we are as God’s people to
all that He is.

The Church is bigger than me.
It is wonderfully vast and varied.
Father, don’t shrink her congregational song to my size.
Expand my mind and heart to
embrace everyone You embrace.

Listen and sing:
Hymn: The Reason We Sing
Printed Music & Lyrics