Archive for Hymns

Going Home

Printed Music

Going home, going home,
I’m just going home.
Quiet-like, slip away –
I’ll be going home.
It’s not far, just close by;
Jesus is the Door;
Work all done, laid aside,
Fear and grief no more.
Friends are there, waiting now.
He is waiting, too.
See His smile! See His hand!
He will lead me through. 

Morning Star lights the way;
Restless dream all done;
Shadows gone, break of day,
Life has just begun.
Every tear wiped away,
Pain and sickness gone;
Wide awake there with Him!
Peace goes on and on!
Going home, going home,
I’ll be going home.
See the Light! See the Sun!
I’m just going home.

God Blesses His People

Printed Music

Yahweh, high and holy Sovereign,
Claims the needy as His own,
Calls us to His holy presence,
Wraps us in His sweet shalom.

See His face ever lifted,
Ever shining, ever smiling,
Ever blessing, ever breathing peace.

Yahweh is our Great Protector,
He our Shepherd, we His sheep.
Guarding, guiding, seeking, finding,
He is watching while we sleep.

Yahweh takes us as His children,
Shares with us His holy name.
His the power, His the glory,
His the Kingdom we proclaim!

Discover Jesus Christ

Printed Music

Discover in a tiny child
The Lord of time and space,
In helplessness and poverty,
The hope of all our race.
The spring of joy, the dawn of peace,
The mystery of life–
Come touch the hand and heart of God:
Discover Jesus Christ.

Come see the most despised of men;
Come see the most adored.
Come watch Him move in mighty love;
Come wonder at His words.
Come see Him suffer, see His pain;
Stand watching as He dies,
And hear forgiveness for your sins:
Discover Jesus Christ.

Now see the One you crucified–
He lives, and all is well.
His Spirit fills the universe,
Our Lord, Emmanuel.
Discover hope. Discover joy.
Discover love and life.
Discover God your dearest friend.
Discover Jesus Christ.

Content in You

Printed Music

Weak or strong, in need or plenty,
In the dark of deepest grief,
Rich or poor, in health or sickness,
When my pain finds no relief,
As I pray, You prove it true:
I can rest content in You.

Perfect wisdom, perfect power,
Perfect goodness, perfect love,
Father, Savior, Friend, and Healer,
O so near and all above,
You are joy each moment new!
Here I rest content in You.

Father, patient through my struggles,
Always strong when I am frail,
True to each and every promise,
So forgiving when I fail,
You are good in all You do!
I rejoice, content in You.

Money, fame, and pleasures call me.
Worries threaten every day.
All their hopes and fears are empty,
Quickly come, then fade away.
Other joys are false and few.
Lord, I rest content in You.

Come, My Friends!

Printed Music

Come to Me! Don’t be a stranger!
Come, My friends from near and far!
I’m at home in lowly mangers.
Come and rest your weary hearts.
You can come just as you are!

All you troubled, tired, and broken,
Come and find the rest you seek!
I can feel your hurts unspoken.
I will heal and set you free.
I am gentle. Come to Me!

Come to Me! The door is open.
Learn of Me, and lose your fear.
Come and live where love is spoken!
Peace will grow from year to year.
Come, My friends, for life is here!

Trinity Hymn

Printed Music

God Almighty, Great Creator,
Lord and Father, King and Friend,
Ever full, yet ever giving,
Pure, but quick to condescend!
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Love that none can comprehend!

Fullness of the Father’s glory,
Human Son, Immanuel,
Word of God, His mercy spoken,
Crushing sin and death and hell!
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
God is here, and all is well!

God is with us—breathe His Spirit!
Know your heaven here begun,
Bathed in life and love and power,
Fruit of all that Christ has done.
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Earth and heaven breathe as one.

God the Father, Son, and Spirit!
All around and all within,
He has wrapped us in His Being.
All is life & peace in Him.
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Morning dawns, let life begin!

Ezekiel’s Vision

A Hymn based on Ezekiel 37:1-10

Printed Music

Breath of God, unbounded Spirit,
Sovereign power and mystery,
Holy fire, now recreating,
Cleansing, shaping what will be.
O Wind of God, great Breath of God,
Your life fills eternity!

Death consumes the world around us.
Bones now mock what might have been.
Hope is gone, and all is barren.
Can our people live again?
O Wind of God, great Breath of God,
Your power none can comprehend!

Breath of God, unbounded Spirit-
Hear the wind of heaven blow!
See them rise, a mighty army!
Watch His promise overflow!
The Lord is life! The Lord is God!
And soon all the earth will know!

Living Christ

Printed Music

Lord, throughout my busy life
Our deeper life goes on;
Rising through this daily noise
Your rich immortal song.
Life in You,
Now in You!
Sing in me, O Living Christ!

Anytime I turn to You,
I breathe Your perfect peace.
More and more I find You there
As faith and prayer increase.
More in You,
All in You!
Flow in me, O Living Christ!

Seeing You, my Lord, my King,
With joy I take Your cross.
All I hold I leave behind.
My gains I count as loss.
Rich in You,
Loved in You,
One with You, O Living Christ!

Beyond All Barriers

Printed Music

High and holy unseen God,
So pure and far above,
We were lost and dead in sin,
But nothing blocks Your love.
Every barrier fell before
Compassion’s burning flame.
Every wall was broken down.
When mercy called, You came.

Now Your mercy calls to us
To share what we received,
Out beyond these unseen walls
To prove what we believe.
See, the barriers all are gone!
We’ll live the love we know.
Fear and comfort will not rule.
Love calls, and we will go.

None can be too far away,
And none too near at hand.
All can know Your loving touch,
Can feel and understand.
May the living, loving Christ
Become the God they know.
Lead us, Father, everywhere
Your loving heart would go.

Good Shepherd

A Hymn based on John 10

Printed Music

Good Shepherd, speak. My heart is listening.
Your voice is love. You call my name.
Lord Jesus, lead, for I can only follow.
I am a lamb, and You, the Living Way.
Good Shepherd, speak. My heart is listening.
Your love alone can call my name.

O Savior God, You walk before me.
Your way is life. I gladly go.
I cannot see, but I will simply follow.
We walk a path that only You can know.
O Savior God, You walk before me.
Your way is love. I gladly go.