Archive for Hymns

Sea of Mercy

Printed Music 

When first I drew an infant’s breath,
I sailed a sea of mercy.
This life, this world, these gifts, my Lord,
Were flowing all from You.
When bound by sin and blindness,
So sure that I was free,
I saw Your face and heard Your voice
And found Your love for me.
My God, what love for me!

I turned, and You forgave my past.
Lord, what a sea of mercy!
Now every day in You, my God,
I’m more than I can be.
I love You, and I follow.
That’s all that I can do.
Your mercy is a mighty sea
That carries me to You.
I’m coming, Lord, to You!

Resting in the Lord

There remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God.
For the one who has entered His rest
has himself also rested from his works,
as God did from His.
(Hebrews 4:9-10, NASB) 

Printed Music 

Jesus, Jesus, Lord and Brother,
Wisdom, joy, and life in me.
Fullness of my Father’s presence,
Peace and perfect liberty;
As You spoke and out of nothing
Bloomed Your love’s abundant wealth,
So You spoke and filled my darkness
With the beauty of Yourself.

Great Creator, Christ exalted,
As You rest, Your work complete,
So I come and leave my struggles,
Living, learning at Your feet,
Free to rest and free to listen,
Knowing that Your love will speak.
Jesus, Savior, ever present,
You are all I need and seek.

Here I find my satisfaction,
Here is where my heart is home,
Fruitful in Your living Spirit,
Driven by Your love alone.
Let me share Your endless Sabbath,
Holy, Lord, in all I do,
In my working, in my waiting,
Resting in and unto You.

Remember Your Lord

A Hymn for the Lord’s Supper

Printed Music 

Remember your darkness, remember the Light.
Then far from your Father, now all is made right.
Now one with His Son, we can live unafraid.
But bow and remember the price that He paid.

Remember His glory, remember your shame.
Remember the curse that His love overcame.
Come drink all the life that His dying began!
As death passes over, come feast on the Lamb!

Remember His promise, remember your crown.
Remember His beautiful bride coming down.
Remember the dawn of creation restored.
Remember to thank Him. Remember your Lord.


Printed Music 

Quietness in You,
Stillness here in You,
Deeper than the world can give,
Jesus, now in You;
Always here in You.

Confidence in You,
Changelessness in You,
Loved for all eternity,
Jesus, now in You;
Always here in You.

Harmony in You;
Wholeness here in You,
Father, Son, and Breath of God,
Ever one in You;
Peace, my Lord, in You.

Present Lord

Printed Music 

Almighty, High Exalted God,
Holy, untouched, unseen;
Yet in Your love You draw me near –
No one can come between.

Creator, Father, Present Lord,
Loving Companion, Friend,
When You reveal how real You are,
Fear and its struggles end.

Worship and working, joy and rest,
Speaking and listening flow;
Freed by the truth that You are here,
Love in its beauty grows.

Nourish a full, wholehearted trust
That I might gladly trace
How far beyond all thought You are,
Yet see You face to face.

Perfect Peace

Printed Music 

Perfect peace,
God’s own peace,
Vast beyond all knowing;
Rich in Him,
Full in Him,
Deep and ever growing.

Death is gone,
Fears all fading,
Blessings like a river.
God in us,
Loving, giving,
Flowing through forever.

Perfect peace,
God’s own peace;
Simple faith can free us.
Rich in Him,
Full in Him;
Find your peace in Jesus.

Peace in the Storm

Printed Music

The storm engulfs my soul.
O God, You claim You’re here,
But all I see is wind and waves,
And all I feel is fear.

The troubles flooding in
Defy my frantic prayer.
O Savior, are You sound asleep?
O Jesus, do You care?

I long for quick relief.
You long for all my best.
I call You to my anxious fear.
You call me to Your rest.

Almighty, present God,
Each moment fill my view.
My peace is not a circumstance
But always, only You.

Our Lord I AM

Printed Music


Hear the worlds all whispering His name.
Mountains flee before Him.
All who know Him tremble at His voice.
All who fear adore Him.
Pure, complete, and evermore the same,
None can speak all His splendor in a name.
Bow down.
He is I AM.


Who can stop the torrent of His love?
Who can test its measure?
Who can feel the fire of His heart?
Who conceive its treasure?
Veiled in glory, near and yet so far,
Life and love are the light of who You are.
You are the Lord
Our life, our Lord I AM.


Pure, complete, and evermore the same,
None can speak all His splendor in a name.
You are the Lord
Our life, our Lord I AM.

New in Christ

Printed Music

New in Christ, now one with our Creator!
All the peace of Eden is restored.
Hear His voice, and feel the morning beauty.
Walk through the day with your loving Lord.
Jesus Christ, our God and now our brother,
Bore our curse and died with all our sin.
Life is complete as He lives within us.
We are holy as we walk with Him.

Risen Son, the first of many children!
Now in Christ a holy race is born.
All will share His glory and His goodness.
See how He glows in their face and form!
Now they come from every tribe and nation.
Feel their joy forever pure and strong!
Hear as they swell to a sea of worship!
Look to Christ and join their mighty song!

Mighty Day

Printed Music

When the heavens roll and tremble,
When the moon has turned to blood,
When music has fallen silent, Lord,
And fear comes like a flood,

Won’t it be a mighty day!
Won’t it be a solemn day!
Won’t it be a joyful, endless morning, Lord,
When we see You face to face!

Can you hear the peoples wailing,
Can you hear the shouts of praise
When everyone sees eternal truth
Too late to change their ways?

Keep your heart all tuned and ready!
O be faithful to the end!
Your Father will smile and speak your name:
”Well done! Come enter in!”