Prepare for Easter
Father, as I celebrate this Easter season,
teach me what it means to live as
an Easter person
in this present world.
Everyone here is facing
inescapable death.
Help me live Your resurrection life among them,
glowing with
purpose, and
joyful anticipation.
Here sin seems inescapable.
Failure is considered inevitable.
Help me live as one set free from sin,
fully forgiven and
fully empowered for triumphant living.
Here, as we face the future,
we are gripped with
helplessness and
May I walk in the bright confidence of Easter.
Help me live as one whose eternal, glorious life in You
has already begun, and
will never end.
Father, may lost and hopeless people
sense the beautiful reality of Easter
in me.
Listen and sing:
Hymn: Alive in You
Printed Music & Lyrics
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