We were all baptized into one body. (1 Corinthians 12:13, NASB)
Lord Jesus, when I become one with You,
I become one with every other believer.
I come into one Body with them.
When I first answered Your call,
that’s what happened.
When I answer Your call and surrender to Your will now,
that’s what happens.
I become one member of Your Body,
with all its many members.
I get so focused on my individual life.
I forget that in reality
I’m one part of a grand picture,
a panorama that extends
throughout recorded history and
I’m one part of Your own family,
of Your precious people.
Jesus, teach me to think that way.
Teach me to pray that way.
Teach me to work that way.
Listen and sing:
Hymn: We Have Come, God’s Living Temple
Printed Music & Lyrics
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