Archive for February 2014

Denying Myself

“If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.” (Mark 8:34, NIV)

“Jesus, I lay aside my self-concern.
Lead, and I will follow.”

It’s easy to pray this in the calm, quiet moments.

But pray this way when
God places a challenge of service before you and
calls you to step out in faith.

Pray this when a situation demands that
you give yourself beyond your comfort level.

Pray this when you face a difficult relationship and
emotions cry out for
escape or

Pray this when you have to give up your rights
in order to serve someone else.

“Jesus, I lay aside my self-concern.
Lead, and I will follow.”

The Truth Sets You Free

John 8:31-36

Continue in the word of Jesus Christ.
Remain in it day by day.
Walk in it.
Make it your lifestyle.
Faith is more than a momentary decision.
Discipleship is a daily commitment.

As you walk with Jesus,
the Truth is your constant personal companion, and
the Truth sets you free.
You are no longer bound by your own weaknesses.
Sin can no longer master you and keep you as its slave.
Its lies have no more hold over you.
The Truth has set you free,
and you are truly, completely free!

Listen…and sing if you want:
Hymn: Think, Speak, and Live the Truth
Printed Music & Lyrics