Tag Archive for You Came to Us

You Came to Us

The almighty, transcendent God
made Himself
like us
so that we might be
like Him.

Printed Music

Fountain of all, great uncreated Light,
Very God, high above!
Sovereign in power, Your will the final word,
Boundless life, burning love!
Lord, You laid aside all that God can be
And Your glory hid in simplicity.
In love You came, the Son of Man,
All You are as I am.

Helpless You lay, the undiminished God,
Human child, flesh and bone.
What mighty power could bring all heaven here?
Loving Christ, You alone!
You have shown our race what we all can be,
For Your glory fills our humanity.
I hold this hope, though from so far:
All I am as You are.

Lord, we are one! The earth and heaven join.
All is light! All is new!
All join the dance and shout for holy joy!
We are free now in You!
Life is rich and deep and beyond all time.
Every joy is full, every breath divine.
Your glorious gift is now restored.
Loving Christ, You are Lord!

by Ken Bible, © 2008 by LNWhymns.com.

God with Us: Completed in Jesus

from the devotional book, PICTURES OF GOD

Read John 1:14-18

As God walked with Adam and Eve in the garden (Genesis 3:8), Jesus came delighting to walk among His people.

As God was to Hagar the “God Who Sees” when He met her needs in the wilderness (Genesis 16:13), Jesus truly saw the needy all around Him, talking with them, touching them, healing them, and feeding them.

As God revealed His presence to the undeserving Jacob (Genesis 28:10-22), Jesus acted out God’s gracious presence and forgiveness to the most undeserving around Him, even those murdering Him (Luke 23:34).

As God came with fire, smoke, and awe-full terror on Mt. Sinai (Exodus 19), Jesus came with gentleness and compassion, as one of us. Where the law brought condemnation on our weakness, Jesus brought grace and truth — the unfailing love and absolute dependability of our Heavenly Father (John 1:14-18).

As God tabernacled with His people in the wilderness (Exodus 25 – 40), Jesus tabernacled among us as God made flesh (John 1:14; see the NASB margin).

As the temple was for a time the symbol of God’s presence and rulership among His people (1 Kings 6:12-13), Jesus is the eternal reality of God’s presence and rulership among all who trust Him.

Jesus is
the Child born to us,
the Son given to us,
Wonderful Counselor,
Mighty God,
Eternal Father, and
Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6).

He is the virgin’s son, the promise of our soon-coming deliverance. He is, now and forever, in every way, God with us (Isaiah 7:14).

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Hymn: You Came to Us
Printed Music & Lyrics