Tag Archive for the heart of Jesus

Feel the Savior’s Heart for People

Feel Jesus’ burning heart for people
in His earthly ministry,
in His suffering, and
in His promises to return.

Printed Music 

Feel the Savior’s heart for people
As He shares Himself with all.
All are brothers, sisters, neighbors.
All are welcome, great and small.
See Him live His deep compassion.
Watch Him shepherd, heal, and feed,
Through the Father’s rich abundance
Freely meeting every need.

Feel the Savior’s heart for people
When it gives Him only pain.
Now engulfed in vicious hatred,
Selfless love seems all in vain.
Though alone, condemned, abandoned,
Taunted, tortured, crushed, betrayed,
With His dying words He loves them –
Love triumphant, unafraid.

Feel the Savior’s heart for people.
Feel His deepest longings burn.
As He yearns for love’s completion,
Hear Him promise His return.
See Him come for all His family,
Gathering us from every race.
We will feast on love together
Heart-to-heart and face-to-face.


by Ken Bible, © 2018 LNWhymns.com