Tag Archive for Pentecost






Monday –      The Christ of Pentecost
         Hymn: Pentecost Hymn (recording) (printed)

Tuesday –     Prepare for Pentecost
         Hymn: Life of God (recording) (printed)

Wednesday – The Father’s Gift
         Hymn: Holy, Boundless Breath of God (recording) (printed)

Thursday –    The Holy Spirit: Power to Serve
         Hymn: Lord Jesus, Living Presence (recording) (printed)

Friday –          Hearing the Spirit’s Voice
         Hymn: When I Speak (recording) (printed)

Saturday –     Fill My Thoughts
         Hymn: The Mind of Christ (recording) (printed)


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from Prepare Yourself for Worship

Prepare for Pentecost

Father, thank You for the gift of Your Spirit,
the Spirit of Your holy and beloved Son,
Jesus Christ.
What a magnificent Gift!
He is enriching my life in ways beyond my
counting or
He is breathing Christ into
my mind,
my desires, and
my daily actions.

But Father, You have taught me that my relationship with You
is a dynamic one.
Your Spirit is not a one-time Gift.
He is Your living, breathing presence.
Like any relationship,
ours is a living stream:
it flows continually, or
it becomes stagnant and
begins to dry up.
I want Your Spirit in me to be
a well of water springing up to eternal life. (John 4:14, NASB).

Father, thank You for the Gift of Pentecost.
May everyone I encounter be
refreshed and
nourished by
Your Spirit flowing through me.

Listen and sing:
Hymn: Breath of Life
Printed Music & Lyrics

The Father’s Gift

Father, we are thoroughly human,
made from dust.
You are thoroughly transcendent,
infinitely above us.
How can we ever be fully united with You?

You show us Jesus.
He was completely human,
yet You and He were completely one
because You shared the same Spirit.
You shared the same Breath.
You lived as one.
You spoke as one.
You loved as one.

Your Son came to fill us with Your Spirit,
the Spirit that made Him so
beautiful and complete in You.
He came to share with us
His relationship with You,
His life in You,
His oneness with You.

This life-changing Gift is poured out
among us and
within us
by simple faith.
And what a marvelous Gift He is!
Yet He is only a downpayment,
only a small taste of
our full and eternal oneness with You.

One with You, Father,
one in Your Son,
one through Your Spirit,
fully and forever.
This is the Gift You have given.
You Yourself are the Gift.
Praise to You!

Listen and sing:
Hymn: Holy, Boundless Breath of God
Printed Music & Lyrics

The Holy Spirit: God with Us

from the devotional book, PICTURES OF GOD

Read Ezekiel 37:1-10; Acts 2:1-4

Jesus came to be God with us. But His task wasn’t done when He ascended back to His Father. One of Jesus’ purposes in coming to us was to pour out God’s Spirit on all who trust in Him. At the very beginning of Jesus’ ministry, John the Baptist introduced Him this way:

“I baptize you with water for repentance, but He who is coming after me is mightier than I, and I am not fit to remove His sandals; He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.” (Matthew 3:11, NASB)

When the Holy Spirit came, He carried on Jesus’ ministry. He was to all believers what Jesus had been to His disciples: teacher, comforter, encourager, companion, advocate, intercessor, friend, and the presence of God. The Holy Spirit was all that, but more. Jesus had been limited by a physical body. The Spirit is Jesus unbound from any limitations. He is God’s presence with us, among us, and within us, every moment, always and forever.

When the Holy Spirit was poured at the day of Pentecost, His coming was accompanied by two signs. Both of these signs had long been symbols of the living presence of God.

  • “A noise like violent rushing wind” (Acts 2:2, NASB) – In both Old Testament Hebrew and New Testament Greek, the word for “Spirit” also means “wind” and “breath”. Thus God’s Spirit has always been associated with wind. God’s Spirit is His life in motion. For example, read Ezekiel’s vision of the valley of dry bones in Ezekiel 37:1-10.
  • “Tongues as of fire…rested on each one of them” (Acts 2:3, NASB) – Fire is another frequent symbol of God’s presence. For example, recall that God’s presence was a pillar of fire in the wilderness (Exodus 13:21). God revealed His holy presence on Mt. Sinai by fire (Exodus 19:18). When Elijah faced the prophets of Baal on Mt. Carmel, the God who answered by fire was the true God (1 Kings 18:24).

When God poured out His Spirit at Pentecost, He signaled unmistakably that the powerful, living presence of God Himself was now among, with, and within His people.

Listen and sing:
Hymn: Pentecost Hymn
Printed Music & Lyrics

The Christ of Pentecost

from A Christ-centered Year

“You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” (Acts 1:8, NIV)

On Pentecost, Jesus pours out the Promise of the Father,
baptizing every believer in the Holy Spirit of God.

The Holy Spirit is the life of God in motion.
He is the wind of God, the breath of God, the power of God.
In the Old Testament, the gift of the Spirit was limited.
It was given only to specific individuals
for specific times and specific tasks.

But Messiah came filled with the Spirit from birth, in unlimited measure.
The Holy Spirit of God conceived Jesus,
testified to who He was, and
empowered Him throughout His life.
Jesus lived in the Spirit, spoke in the Spirit,
did the mighty works of God in the Spirit, and
died and rose in the Spirit.

Then, as the culmination of His ministry, after returning to the Father,
Jesus poured out this Spirit on all believers,
not for a specific task or season, but completely and forever.

The Spirit is the life of the Father and Son—
their presence and power dwelling among and within all believers.
What an incredible Gift!

And the Gift arrived just as Jesus had promised,
accompanied by undeniable sights and sounds.
This dramatic event proved that Jesus was Christ and Lord,
that He had died according to the scriptures,
had risen according to the scriptures, and
now He reigned at the right hand of God Almighty.

On Pentecost, Jesus poured out the Promise of the Father,
immersing His people in the  living, loving Spirit of Almighty God.

Listen and sing:
Hymn: Pentecost Hymn
Printed Music & Lyrics

The Gift of God’s Spirit

Acts 2

Jesus spent many of His precious final hours here on earth teaching His disciples about the coming of His Holy Spirit. And looking at the early Church through the book of Acts, one can understand why. The gift of God’s indwelling Spirit changed the Church from timid, self-centered individuals to a bold and loving body of disciples. They left their fearful hiding and became effective witnesses to the Living Christ.

As we trust Him, God’s Spirit becomes one with our spirit, planting within us His life, His love, His power, His holiness, and the inexpressible loveliness of His presence.

Look at the difference this Gift has made in our world, in the Church, and in our lives. Then ask yourself what untapped potential is still there. How could God’s Spirit glorify the Living Christ through us if we trusted Him more simply and constantly? How would He transform us if we focused our desires on hearing and following Him? Where would He lead us? How would He use us?

What beautiful oneness would we enjoy if each of us only wanted what He wants?

Listen…and sing if you want:
Hymn: Pentecost Hymn
Printed Music & Lyrics

Wind, Breath, and Spirit

In the Bible’s original languages,
“wind,” “breath,” and “spirit” are all the same word.
God’s Spirit is the wind of His power and
the breath of His love.
God’s Spirit is His life in motion.

The Spirit that brooded over the waters at creation (Genesis 1:2),
the Breath that brought to life the valley of dry bones (Ezekiel 37:1-10), and
the rushing, mighty Wind on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:1-4)
are the same mysterious, creative, all-powerful Spirit of God.

Jesus came to immerse us in this Spirit.
This Spirit works around us,
through us,
in us, and
among us
as we trust in Christ.

Listen…and sing if you want:
Hymn: Ezekiel’s Vision
Printed Music & Lyrics

A Christ-centered Year

During Advent, Jesus is the Promise of the Father.

During Christmas, He is the Gift of the Father. He is all the fullness of God embodied in a human infant.

During Epiphany, Jesus is the Light of the Father, drawing all people to Himself.

During Lent, He is the Father’s Servant, leading us on the path of obedience and trust.

During Holy Week, Jesus is the Love of the Father, humbly submitting to death on the cross.

During Easter, He is the Life of the Father, overcoming death and sin forever.

On Ascension Day, Jesus is at the Father’s right hand, reigning as Sovereign Lord and King.

On Pentecost, He pours out the Promise of the Father, baptizing every believer in the Holy Spirit of God.

During Ordinary Time, Jesus helps us order our lives by His teaching and example. He gives us His Spirit as a down-payment while we eagerly await His promised Advent.

Brothers and sisters, let’s constantly celebrate all God has done for us in Jesus Christ! Let’s make this year a Christ-centered year.