Tag Archive for hymn based on Psalm 146

Psalm 146

“Psalm 146” expresses both the
depth and
warm-hearted simplicity of
worshiping our glorious God.
Set to a fresh but familiar hymn tune.

Printed Music

God, my Source, my Father,
Praise, all praise to You,
Praise from all my being,
Praise through all I do,
Praise through all I do.

Human plans are nothing,
Empty as a breath,
Full of proud presumption,
Sure to end in death,
Sure to end in death.

You are all, forever,
Good and just and true.
Mighty God unchanging,
I will trust in You,
I will trust in You.

Health and joy and freedom,
Heaven’s rich reward,
Life’s complete fulfillment –
All in You, my Lord,
All in You, my Lord!

by Ken Bible, © 2020 LNWhymns.com.