Tag Archive for Epiphany




Jesus’ Earthly Ministry 1 


Monday –      My Holy and Human Brother
         Hymn: Holy, Human Jesus Christ (recording) (printed)

Tuesday –     Hymn: See All That Human Can Be (recording) (printed)

Wednesday – The Quietness of Jesus
         Hymn: Quietness (recording) (printed)

Thursday –    Hymn: Knowing the Father in the Son (recording) (printed)

Friday –          When I Met Jesus
         Hymn: I Was the One (recording) (printed)

Saturday –     Hymn: See the Father Walk Among Us (recording) (printed)


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at KenBible.com




Jesus the Light (Epiphany), week 2 


Monday –      Christ the Light
         Hymn: Jesus, the Light of the World (recording) (printed)

Tuesday –     Lamb of God
         Hymn: You Bore Our Sin, O Lamb of God (recording) (printed)

Wednesday –Fulfilled Right in Front of You
         Hymn: Jesus, Full of Truth and Grace (recording) (printed)

Thursday –    From the Throne Room to a Fishing Boat
         Hymn: Christ Is Our Horizon (recording) (printed)

Friday  –         All We Need
         Hymn: All We Need (recording) (printed)

Saturday –     God in Christ in Us
         Hymn: God in Christ in Us (recording) (printed)


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at KenBible.com


Today we are launching a new feature, which will be posted each week as our Monday blog post. Each one will provide a week’s worth of devotional resources – meditations, hymns, and prayers – focused on a single topic. That’s why we’re calling it ThinkSingPray.

Our aim is to help you drill-down on that one topic – sometimes a season of the Christian calendar, sometimes a scriptural idea. We want to help fill your heart, mind, and voice with some meaningful, life-centered truths related to that single topic.

We’ll send one out each Monday. In addition, we’ll have a ThinkSingPray page at KenBible.com that will give you easy access to all these weekly sets of devotionals.

Our regular blog posts will continue on Wednesdays and Fridays.

Here is our very first ThinkSingPray:


Jesus the Light (Epiphany), week 1 


Monday –      The Christ of Epiphany
         Hymn: Light of Every Nation (recording) (printed)

Tuesday –     Prepare for Epiphany
         Hymn: You Are the Light (recording) (printed)

Wednesday –The Star
         Hymn: Star Hymn (recording) (printed)

Thursday –    Glimpses of Messiah’s Future
         Hymn: See How God’s Flower Blossoms (recording) (printed)

Friday –         When the Heavens Open
         Hymn: Epiphany Hymn (REGENT SQUARE) (recording) (printed)

Saturday –     The Light of the World
         Hymn: God Is Light (recording) (printed)


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at KenBible.com

When the Heavens Open

When God opens the heavens,
He shows us what He is doing.
He shows us our world as He sees it.

When Jesus was born, God opened the heavens.
He sent us a special star to announce that
the magnificent, transcendent God was
now living among us.
The star drew worshipers from
a far-away land and
a different religion.
They were the first sign that the One who had come was
the Light of all the nations and
the King of all Kings.

When Jesus was baptized, God opened the heavens.
As Jesus’ ministry began, His first act was to publicly
take all our sins upon Himself.
The Sinless One lined up with the sinners and
symbolically died beneath Jordan’s waters,
bearing the sins of the whole world.
At this crucial moment.
the Father spoke and
the Spirit appeared.
Together they testified that
this was indeed the pure and perfect Son of God.

When Jesus was on the mount of transfiguration,
God opened the heavens.
As Jesus approached His death,
the Father gave three disciples a fleeting glimpse of
the Christ as He truly was,
in His eternal splendor,
human yet heavenly.
The law and the prophets visibly testified to Him.

On all three occasions, God opened the heavens to show us
that His own Son had come to us,
the Light of the World.
He had taken on our flesh and blood
to bear away all our sin.
He had come so that every one of us might
share fully and forever in Him. 

Listen and sing:
Hymn: Epiphany Hymn (REGENT SQUARE)
Printed Music & Lyrics

Christmas Is a Story of Worship

On coming to the house, [the Magi] saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold and of incense and of myrrh. (Matthew 2:11, NIV)

Christmas is a story of worship.
The scriptures say that
the heavens sing of God’s glory,
and the earth tells of
the wonderful things He does.
Jesus said that if God’s people are silent,
the rocks themselves will cry out and
praise Him.

When the shepherds heard that
the Promised One had come,
they ran to Bethlehem and
worshiped the Child.

When the wise men knew that
He was born,
distance could not keep them away.
They came and brought Him
precious gifts—
gifts fit for a king.
They bowed low and
worshiped Him.

How can we do any less?
With all the elaborate celebrating
this time of year,
how much do we truly worship Him?

Christmas is a story of worship.
And this season,
in the privacy of our hearts,
with the wise men,
with the shepherds, and
with all creation,
let us bow and worship Him.
Let us worship

Listen and sing:
Hymn: Adoration
Printed Music & Lyrics

from Prepare Yourself for Worship

Prepare for Epiphany

Father, we who walked in darkness
have seen a Great Light.
The Sun of Righteousness has risen over us.
The Light of all the nations has dawned.

Your glory has appeared, and
we have seen it.
It is the glory of Your only Son,
who has come from Your own intimate presence.
His glory shines brightly with
Your grace and
Your truth.

Jesus is the Light of the World.
As we come to worship this Epiphany,
we come to the Light.
We walk in the Light.
We lift the Light so that all can see Him.

Listen and sing:
Hymn: Light of Every Nation
Printed Music & Lyrics


John 1:4-9

God floods our world with His life.
His life brings Light into darkness.
It brings wisdom and love into our fear.
It brings understanding into our ignorance.
It is truth, and it drives out all that is false.
The Light shines in the darkness,
and the darkness is overpowered.

Jesus is this Light…
pure, uncreated Light
shining from our Father.
As we receive the Light,
He melts the darkness from our hearts and lives.

Listen and sing:
Hymn: You Are the Light
Printed Music & Lyrics

Christmas Is the Story of a Star

Christmas is the story of a Star.
The wise men had studied the stars for years, but suddenly,
One Star
caused them to leave home
on a long journey,
traveling many difficult months.
That One Star
was a sign from heaven,
and they followed.

One Star
was their only guide
all the way from a distant country
through so much desert
and so many midnights.
One Star
led them to
a simple house
in the tiny village of
far-away Bethlehem.

One Star.

Christmas is the story of a Star.
The story reminds us that
God never leaves us alone.
Even in the blackest night,
He always sends
One Star.
And our Star is

Listen and sing:
Hymn: The March of the Three Wise Men
Printed Music & Lyrics

JESUS THE LIGHT Devotional Tapestry

JESUS THE LIGHT Devotional Tapestry

Devotional Tapestries are short recordings designed to draw your heart and mind to the Living God. Each includes a devotional reading over instrumental music, leading into a hymn.

Listen to JESUS THE LIGHT Devotional Tapestry.

Printed devotional & hymn

More Devotional Tapestries


Jesus Is God with Us

from the devotional book, PICTURES OF GOD

Read Matthew 1:18-25; 28:16-20

Jesus is God with Us. He is the loving God who eagerly comes to His people, even when they don’t deserve Him or His grace. That is the clear message of Matthew 1, the first chapter of the New Testament. Matthew opens with the genealogy of Jesus, showing that Messiah descended from a family with its share of moral outcasts. He then applies to Jesus the prophecy of Isaiah 7:14, “Behold, a virgin will be with child and bear a son, and she will call His name Immanuel” (NASB). This son of a disgraced Jewish maiden, conceived before marriage, was indeed God with us.

Matthew 2 continues with the same theme, showing that gentiles from far outside God’s people were among the very first called to worship this King of all Kings.

Jesus’ earthly ministry ends the same way in Matthew’s last chapter, with Jesus commanding His disciples to “make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19, NASB). This God with us was to be the Father’s gift to all people, including those who had never known Him and never sought Him.

Jesus’ life was thus framed with His purpose to be God with us. All the days in-between were filled with the same. He only did the Father’s works:

“I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does…By myself I can do nothing.” (John 5:19, 30, NIV)

He only spoke the Father’s words:

“These words you hear are not my own; they belong to the Father who sent me.” (John 14:24, NIV)

Jesus came saying what the Father would say and doing what the Father would do among us: healing, teaching, cleansing, feeding, and calling us to join Him in His work. The Father sent His only Son out of His burning desire to be truly with His people.