Prepare for Ascension Day
Father, thank You for the ascension of Jesus.
He is once again in Your intimate presence,
breathing the love and peace that were Yours
from all eternity.
We share Your joy in His return!
His ascension assures us that His work here is complete.
The perfect human life has been lived.
The full and final sacrifice for all our sin has been
offered and
At Your side He is ruling all history and all reality with
perfect wisdom,
perfect power, and
perfect love.
Once again He is bathed in the glory and magnificence
that are uniquely and rightfully His.
As He is parted from us, You reassure us that
You will be with us forever.
You remind us that
You will soon pour out Your Spirit on us, and
Your Son will one day return
just as we have seen Him go.
By His ascension, You have exalted the crucified Christ as
Lord, and
soon-coming King.
Father, we praise You!
Today help us celebrate this glorious reality.
Listen and sing:
Hymn: The Glorified Christ
Printed Music & Lyrics