Archive for June 2017

Drawing Near to God

James 4 

Father, You have breathed into me
Your own Spirit,
Your own life and breath.
You jealously long for that Spirit
to return to You,
to seek You,
to love You and
desire oneness with You (James 4:5).
O Father, that is what I want!

You have promised that as
I draw near to You,
You will draw near to me (James 4:8).
Draw near, Lord!
Draw near!

Father, I want to exchange
all my desires for
Your desires.
I humble myself before You and ask for
the holiness,
the faith,
the love of Jesus Christ.

Listen and sing:
Hymn: Heaven Here and Now
Printed Music & Lyrics

The Word: in Weakness and in Power

In the beginning, into the silence of nothingness came the Word of God.
The Sovereign of the universe expressed His will,
and it became reality.
The Word of God spoke,
and creation came to be,
and all the morning stars sang for joy.
His powerful Word continues to resound,
sustaining all that is.

Into the darkness of our sin came the Word of God.
God spoke His loving will,
not as an almighty conqueror,
but as a helpless infant.
He didn’t shout;
He whispered.
He didn’t command;
He invited.
The Word of God spoke, not in power,
but in weakness.

And when His Word speaks to us,
He still speaks in weakness, not in power.
He doesn’t demand in harsh tones.
He speaks gently, inviting, drawing us to Himself.

But at a time He alone has chosen,
the Word of God will again speak with absolute power.
The Sovereign of all reality will express His will,
and all that is will respond.
Creation will again be an Eden of
holiness and beauty,
truth and love,
completely one with its Maker.
To those who have listened to His inviting Word,
this will mean sharing the fullness of His life forever.
To those who have ignored His Word,
this will mean eternal exclusion, separation from Him, and death.

He is still speaking in a gentle whisper,
calling, inviting, drawing.
Hear the Word.
Receive the Word.

Listen and sing:
Hymn: Hear the Word
Printed Music & Lyrics

from Prepare Yourself for Worship

Prepare for Pentecost

Father, thank You for the gift of Your Spirit,
the Spirit of Your holy and beloved Son,
Jesus Christ.
What a magnificent Gift!
He is enriching my life in ways beyond my
counting or
He is breathing Christ into
my mind,
my desires, and
my daily actions.

But Father, You have taught me that my relationship with You
is a dynamic one.
Your Spirit is not a one-time Gift.
He is Your living, breathing presence.
Like any relationship,
ours is a living stream:
it flows continually, or
it becomes stagnant and
begins to dry up.
I want Your Spirit in me to be
a well of water springing up to eternal life. (John 4:14, NASB).

Father, thank You for the Gift of Pentecost.
May everyone I encounter be
refreshed and
nourished by
Your Spirit flowing through me.

Listen and sing:
Hymn: Breath of Life
Printed Music & Lyrics