Archive for February 2017

from Prepare Yourself for Worship

My Hands Are Yours

Worship is more than words.
Worship is placing You, Lord, on the throne of
my life and of
all reality.

Thus worship is action.
Worship is obedience.
Worship is service.
Worship is sacrifice.

Father, as I bow before You in worship,
my hands are Yours.
My strength is Yours.
I present my body as a living sacrifice,
separated entirely to You,
tuned to Your will,
transformed by Your Spirit,
wholly pleasing to You,
wholly available to You.

Listen and sing:
Hymn: God Alone
Printed Music & Lyrics

Quit Struggling

Psalm 46

Father, today
I am swept up in so much that I cannot
understand, or

But You are my protection.
You are my strength.
You are with me, and
I am immovable.
I am in You, and
all is peace.

What do you call me to do today?
To quit struggling, and
simply know that You are God.

Listen and sing:
Hymn: Lord, How Good to Rest in You
Printed Music & Lyrics